At least two Google employees people who work directly with artificial intelligence (AI) without success, the company’s Paralyzed the launch of the Bard chatbot, is based on this technology.

According to an article in the newspaper New York Timestechnicians were responsible review company AI products used to worry about the Bard service that created it. “false and dangerous communication”. The request was officially made last month.

But that objection had no effect: Google officially launched the Bard test version in early March 2023, a month after the announcement, to compete directly with all the competitor mayhem. ChatGPT — developed by OpenIAbut Financing and direct use from Microsoft.

no more worries

In the launch presentation, Bard was criticized for providing outright misinformation and even miscalculations. In another case recorded days later, ChatGPT, integrated into both Bard and Bing search engine, crashed. about false information and reproduced it as if it were real.

In defense of the platform, Google CEO Sundai Pichai claims that “things will go wrong” until AI arrives. be properly trained and develop mechanisms like those for formulating answers. Bard recently received a significant upgrade. solve logic and math problemsas well as integrating with Gmail and Docs to help create text.

On the other hand, a group of technologists and enthusiasts recently signed a letter calling for a pause in AI research. “risk to humanity”. Per user privacy concernsItaly became the first country to suspend the use of ChatGPT.

Source: Tec Mundo

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