In some business texts, it’s important to be able to quickly reference a particular paragraph. Microsoft Word has a simple function to automatically number lines, but you only need to put a little more effort into numbering paragraphs. How to number all paragraphs in word.

Go to tab to number lines in Word Order where did you put the button Line numbers finds. A drop-down menu shows a few options, but not just the functionality to number entire paragraphs. You will get this as a summary. Select all the paragraphs that need to be numbered first.

Then open the tab Start and in the group Paragraph Choose a style with a numbered list. You can see that almost every paragraph gets its own number. If you want to use a different number format, click the arrow next to the button. Numbering. You now have a base number.

What style do you want to give the paragraph numbering?

List Indents

There are two ways to format numbers in a numbered paragraph list. Or you use the function Set list indentsor you use the ruler. Double-click a paragraph number to use list indents. This will select all parts. Then use the right mouse button and select the command Set list indents in the context menu.

in the box Number location move the numbering relative to the left margin. This does not affect the position of the paragraph text, only the number itself moves a little further left or right. of the indent text you determine the distance of paragraphs from the margin.

There is also the option have tracking number by. Specifies what should come between the number and the first word of the paragraph. For example, if tab mark select it, you can add a tab stop.

You can adjust the position of the numbers as well as the paragraph text.


You can also manually move numbering and paragraphs using the ruler at the top. If you don’t see a ruler, open it from a tab picturewhere you check in Ruler. Select all the paragraphs and then drag the upper triangle of the ruler to the left to position the numbers. Then use the bottom triangle to adjust the position of the paragraph text.

With two triangles you can adjust the distance between numbers and text.

Source: Computer Totaal

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