This iPhone sold at auction for $35,000

The first generation iPhone was sold for an impressive amount of money.

by Victor Sifontes for iPhone

One of the biggest advantages of Apple devices is that they retain their resale value. At first, few would have thought that this device could exceed $35,000.. However, this isn’t the first time we’ve seen an Apple product make that much money, some even half a million dollars.

The most expensive iPhone ever sold

According to a Tweet by Darren Rovell, a first-generation iPhone has been sold at the RR Auctions auction house—which we’ve talked to repeatedly about auctioning Apple products. More than $35,000making it the most expensive iPhone in history.

about a original equipment, in very good condition and actually still in plastic wrap. So if you have an old Apple device, keep it very well because you could have a fortune in the future.

The beginning of a story in the hands of a collector

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs presenting the birth of the iPhone

As we mentioned before, it is not a novelty to see small pieces of the history of the Cupertino company being sold for very high sums.

And this iPhone especially after its presentation in 2007, became the starting point for one of the most popular mobile phones todaywhile dictating features and aesthetics at the same time smart phones.

This device It was named “invention of the year” by Time magazine in 2007.The magazine gave several reasons for this statement:

  • Its design is one of those aspects that most companies don’t really take seriously when the magazine states in the first place.
  • While Apple wasn’t the first to use this technology, the touchscreen, which, according to the magazine, could “use it better than anyone else,” showed that touch was the new way of seeing.
  • It’s a “platform”, I’ve been told the iPhone 1 is like a computer you can take anywhere and use on the go.
  • It will outperform all competing phones because of contracts and in the company’s quest to outperform; this will be a before and after in mobile technology.
  • Finally, because this wasn’t going to be the only iPhone and simply represented the beginning of a device that would change everyone’s life.

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Source: i Padizate

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