streamer Amurant canceled his participation in third evening Ibay Llanos because of premature ovarian failure. He revealed on his social media that he initially wanted to keep these medical issues under wraps. However, she was forced to go public after her doctors advised her not to engage in intense physical activity.

He didn’t want to just cancel the match with maiichiso you’re done talking about ovarian problems who was diagnosed in March last year. In general terms, he explained that it was about a kind of premature menopause and that trials are currently underway to find the best treatment.

Actually, the comparison you are making Amurant This is not bad, because it is true that the symptoms of premature ovarian failure are similar to the symptoms of menopause, which comes ahead of time. But what exactly is it? And just as important, why can’t you exercise if you only near ovarian problems?

What is premature ovarian failure?

Premature ovarian failure occurs when the ovaries stop working normally naturally. up to 40 years. Amurant he is 29 years oldso your case is especially premature, although there are people who suffer from it even in adolescence.

It should be noted that there is also premature menopause and it’s not exactly the same. In the case of menopause, menstruation stops completely, and pregnancy will never occur again. However, with premature ovarian failure, there may be occasional periods and even periods. pregnancy. Ovarian failure can lead to menopause, but this is not always the case.

The symptoms are very similar as they occur hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, lack of sexual desire and pain during intercourse or vaginal dryness, among others. The reasons are not entirely clear, although it is believed that in most cases this is due to some follicular problem, which are small sacs containing immature oocytes that are released each month to finally become a mature egg. If the follicles are in trouble, the oocytes may not be released properly and therefore menstruation may not occur.

Why shouldn’t Amouranth do intense exercise?

In his statement, Amurant explained that his doctors had warned him that if he did intense exercise it can even be fatal.

He did not give details, but it is possible that this is due to heart problems, which people with ovarian failure often suffer from. estrogens These are hormones that are produced mainly in the ovaries. If the ovaries aren’t working properly, estrogen levels drop, leading to symptoms that can be worrisome.

For example, estrogens help keep muscles tense. arteries muscles. When they decrease, the vessels lose their elasticity and cholesterol accumulates in them more easily, affecting the heart.

On the other hand, estrogens also contribute to strong bones. If they decrease, this may lead to osteoporosisjust like it does during menopause.

This will make the exercise more difficult and also increase the likelihood more serious injuries. So until he finds a good cure, it will be safer for Amurant to avoid the strenuous exercise he would have to do at the Ibai party. I hope she hopes to be able to compete next year. I hope so.

Source: Hiper Textual

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