The miscarriage of a child expected by the President of the Community of Madrid, Isabelle Diaz Ayuso. Polis was 8 weeks pregnant, so that was the most vulnerable period of pregnancy: the first trimester.

It is estimated that approximately 15% of pregnancies end in miscarriage in the first trimester. numbers are rising up to 25% if the mother’s age is between 30 and 40 and 50% to 45. In addition, it is believed that over the age of 45 years, the probability of a full-term pregnancy decreases sharply. Isabelle Diaz Ayuso 44 years oldso it’s not uncommon for her to miscarry. Which, of course, does not make the situation less sad. But why is all this happening? Why are abortions so common in this first stage of pregnancy?

It is clear that age is one of the influencing factors, but there are many more, ranging from anatomical pathology of the mother, such as uterine malformations, infections, or habits such as smoking or drinking alcohol. This is the period in which the embryo is still very small and all this can be fatal for him.

Usually these are chromosomal causes.

people have 46 chromosomes in all our cells. However, in sex cellsWhat are they eggs and sperma type of division occurs called meiosiswhich divides the number of chromosomes in half.

This is necessary because when fertilization occurs, the egg and sperm fuse, giving rise to fertilization. zygotewhich, after successive divisions, will become an embryo and a fetus, which, if all goes well, will end in the birth of a child.

If the germ cells had 46 chromosomes, then when they merge, we would get a zygote, and then an embryo with 92 chromosomes in its cells. Therefore, meiosis must first occur in order for the egg and sperm to contribute. only 23 chromosomes.

On the other hand, as the embryo develops, its cells divide, forming another type of division called mitosis. In this case, the chromosomes double, but then divide in half again. Thus, cells can divide, always retaining 46 chromosomes.

If meiosis or mitosis does not proceed properly, the result may be embryos with more or fewer chromosomes than normalHe. Sometimes they can come to term, as happens with chromosomal syndromes such as down, which has only 47 chromosomes, because the 21st pair of chromosomes actually contains 3. Instead, there are chromosomal abnormalities that cannot develop, so the embryo kind of self-destructs. Most often this happens in the first trimester. That is why it is at this moment that a spontaneous abortion is most likely, as, for example, in Isabel Diaz Ayuso.

Miscarriage when there’s nothing good house for the embryo

Approximately 7 days after fertilization, the embryo implants in the tissues that line the uterus, called endometrium. It thickened after ovulation to accommodate the embryo in case of pregnancy. Therefore, it promotes shelter enough to start a pregnancy. Here the embryo continues to develop and, in addition, other structures develop that give it even more shelter and provide it with nutrition. This is, for example, the case with placenta.

But, unfortunately, there are conditions in which the uterus does not provide the necessary shelter for the embryo. For example, if there are certain untreated infections such as some STD, the environment will be too hostile for embryo development. The same thing happens if the mother malformation of the uterus which prevents the proper settlement of the embryo, as well as its connection with it through the umbilical cord.

In some cases, it is also possible that the immune system recognizes the embryo as foreign. If this happens immune response, like the one that will face a real threat and eventually destroy it. In all these cases, the embryo dies in the first weeks of its development, as it is still very vulnerable.

Meiosis occurs when sex cells reduce the number of chromosomes by half.

Risk factors

We have to make something very clear and that’s what the mother is not to blame for the miscarriage. Usually guilt arises if something was done wrong, but this is something that just happens and usually nothing can be done about it.

At best, avoidable risk factors can be reduced. We have seen that one of the risk factors is age. Especially in the mother, although sperm meiosis may have more errors with father’s age. We could say that one of the ways to avoid miscarriage is to have children earlier, but we all understand that this is something that can not always be chosen, especially when social and economic conditions become an obstacle.

Maybe treat infections, if there is. But the truth is that nothing can be done against many other factors.

Now what can be done is improve some habits. For example, it was noticed that alcohol and tobacco use affects the embryo, not only when it occurs during pregnancy. Also if the mother and even the father are regular consumers. Thus, it is a way to somewhat avoid miscarriage.

But even with all possible measures taken, neither Isabelle Diaz Ayuso nor any mother who has an abortion, whether in the first weeks or in the last, will be guilty if this happens. This is what is happening, and in the face of the sadness of those who suffer from it, it remains only to support them and respect their mourning.

Source: Hiper Textual

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