It is often said that when we drink alcoholwe tend to see people more attractive. In fact, we are talking about a phenomenon known as beer glasses. Anecdotes, usually associated with discos and other entertainment venues, are very common. But what if it’s not true? And if we didn’t actually see the most attractive people, but simply acquired value talk to them, which we usually don’t have?
This question was asked by the authors of a study that has just been published in the journal Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research. It is not a difference in the perception of people, but the value of their knowledge.
For this reason, these scientists are not talking about beer glasses, but about net worth. Be that as it may, if we want to get to know a person well, it is best to put the bottle aside. The study does not say this, but common sense.
The beer glass phenomenon
If we think about the everyday situation, at night, at the disco, it is true that when we drink alcohol, there comes a moment when we see other people attractive enough to dare to talk to them.
There is no sitcom self-respecting, in which you will not see a scene in which someone wakes up in the morning, because without the influence of alcoholand does not recognize the man he put to bed the night before. This is what is known as beer glasses.
It has also been studied in labs, giving volunteers several photographs of faces to choose from. the most attractive. Indeed, it seems that by drinking more, we are not so strict in our choice.
According to a study published in 2012 by scientists from Roehampton Universitythis may be due to the greater difficulty in detect facial asymmetry. As we well know, people’s faces mostly symmetrical. If we draw an imaginary axis, crossing the face vertically, through the nose, we get the same thing on both sides, as mirror image.
It’s a theory, but in reality no one is completely symmetrical. A slightly higher eyebrow, a slightly more drooping part of the lip, freckles and moles… There are many factors that make us less symmetrical. However, it is believed that the more symmetrical a person, the more perceived attractiveness. To test whether alcohol affects this perception, the study authors took several photographs of faces. Half of them have been retouched to change their symmetry so that the participants can choose. Which of them did you find the most attractive?
A total of 101 people viewed the photos. I took half before. vodka with tonic, and the other half were given the same taste, but a soft drink. Nobody knew if he was drunk alcohol or placeboso it was a blind trial. This made it clear that there was indeed some connection with alcohol and the perception of symmetry, since drinkers had more difficulty in distinguishing one face from another. In fact, this effect increased as the dose of alcohol increased. Thus, this study confirmed the existence of the phenomenon of beer glasses. And besides, an explanation was found based on the perception facial symmetry.
Does alcohol make people more attractive?
The conclusion of this study would be that alcohol does make us see people. more attractive.
But this latest study points to another factor that hasn’t been talked about much before. We know that drinking alcohol makes us more impulsivebut to what extent?
To answer this question, the researchers recruited 28 pairs of male friends aged about 20 years. Pairs of friends were chosen to try mimic the real environment of socialization.
But the rest of the people were not directly known; but, again, they were given photographs. some had to drink alcoholat a low dose to achieve 0.08% in blood. This is just the limit to which you can drive a car in the US. They weren’t drunk, but they might have experienced some of the effects of the alcohol.
All couples were shown a series of photographs so that they could order them. more or less attractive. After that, they were told that if they chose one, they would be able to communicate with her. Interestingly, there were no differences in perceived attractiveness. In contrast, when they consumed alcohol, they were more likely to choose communication one of the people who are considered the most attractive.
This makes one think that the beer glass phenomenon might be misleading. Although, perhaps, in order for this to happen, you need a little more than 0.08% alcohol. Maybe it’s all true in the end combination of both phenomena.
But since living forever under the influence of alcohol is unhealthy, the ideal would be to meet other people as soberly as possible. So we won’t get any surprises.
Source: Hiper Textual