Ariel is a woman Cocker Spaniel The five-month-old baby turned up abandoned in a supermarket car park in Wales last November. This could have been another sad story of abandonment, if not for the fact that the dog six legstwo of them in the shape of a mermaid tail, two hip joints on one side, two vulvas, a fallopian tube no exit and the right kidney is missing. After being abandoned, this dog with a mermaid tail was taken in by an association. Greenacres Rescuefrom where, after raising funds, she contacted a team of veterinarians from the University of Bristol who had just successfully operated on her.

First, the ovaries were removed, and then two extra legs in the shape of a mermaid tail. There was a time when he feared for one of his four functional legs, but fortunately, despite not having all the muscles, he could have been saved.

Now she is no longer a dog with a mermaid tail. But she is still a special puppy with a long breeding season ahead of her. physiotherapy for dogs. There is no shortage of people interested in taking her in, so she is predicted to have a happy future even though she may have had a terrible start. But not because he was born different, but because he was born surrounded by people who believed that the only possible option was refusal.

A dog with a mermaid tail that reminds us of human syndrome

As a statement from the University of Bristol explains, the case of this dog with a mermaid tail is reminiscent of a human disease known as Herlin-Werner-Wunderlich syndromewhich is characterized fusion of two müllerian ducts. These are structures that appear during embryonic development in representatives of both sexes and gradually differentiate into genitals from each of them. In females these ducts become uterus, fallopian tubes and cervix.

The problem is that when merged they usually give rise to structures like didelphysus uterus, divided into two cavities separated by a partition. It is also common to experience obstructed hemivagina, in which the vagina also appears to be divided in two, but one of its parts is not connected to the rest of the reproductive system. In addition, it produces renal agenesis. That is, due to the absence of one of the kidneys or even both.

The resemblance to this dog with a mermaid tail is obvious. In his case, he also had a duplication of the femur and two additional non-functional limbs that were also fused. It was this fusion that gave it the appearance of a mermaid’s tail and inspired rescuers to give it a name. Ariel.

Ariel could walk, but her two fused legs did not work. Credit: Greenacres Rescue

Complex operation

Operating a dog with a mermaid tail was not easy. Multidisciplinary team consisting of radiologists, soft tissue surgeons, anesthesiologists and many other specialists. Additionally, as this was carried out at the University of Bristol Veterinary Centre, they visited studentsboth veterinary medicine and veterinary nursing.

Ariel’s case is unique and was without a doubt an ideal opportunity to learn about exceptional situations.

The intervention was difficult for obvious reasons. But above all out of necessity keep right hind leg. Care was taken at all times not to damage its nerves or blood vessels, so that it would not have to be removed as well. From now on, Ariel will need a lot of physical therapy to strengthen the muscles and compensate for the missing ones in this limb. You should also undergo a good veterinary examination to detect any possible infection. But the worst is over. Now, even without a mermaid tail, Ariel can start swim to the rest of his life.

Source: Hiper Textual

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