If you are preparing for something opposition And exam is just around the corner, nerves may cause you to act against what is best for you. For example, no matter how much we were told at school or university that studying the night before was not good, we continued to do it. This is just one of many things we can improve on in the final stretch before testing ourselves so that our results actually improve.
When we prepare for exams, we spend many months studying. The last week is no longer a time to learn new concepts, but to strengthen the ones you already have. And for this it is important to follow a series of steps that should have been followed throughout, but days before the exam.
Good sleep, good nutrition and proper hydration Here are some examples. But how can we sleep better despite stress? What should we eat? And just as important, how much water is appropriate?
You need to get a good night’s sleep before exams
As tempting as it may be, we shouldn’t spend the night before an exam studying. This will only mean that during the test we will tired and we can’t focus on it properly. How can we sleep before an exam?
First of all, during all exams we had to follow a daily routine. This is very necessary so that our lives are not focused solely on studies. Having dinner at a certain time, watching a TV series, or going to bed at the same time is important to avoid losing control of your life. This routine is easy to maintain in the early stages of studying, but becomes more difficult as the exam approaches. Here we should not hesitate, since this routine can, for example, help us sleep better.
On the other hand, for rest to be a priority, the daily routine should also include turning off the screen at least half an hour before bedtime. blue light Electronic devices can cause us to produce less melatonin. This is a hormone that helps us fall asleep, so it is not advisable to overuse screens if we want to rest. We should also have a light dinner and not too late so that digestion does not disturb our sleep.
All this is very easy to say. Control your nerves This is not easy, so we may not get enough sleep before the exam. In this case, there are two things to keep in mind. Firstly, although lack of sleep affects academic performance, they prepare for exams for so long that knowledge is consolidated very well. And secondly, there is no point in complaining about not sleeping. If you can’t sleep, get up and do something like read a book or go for a walk. Of course, this book should have nothing to do with the exam. It’s about relaxing and not being more stressed.
Watch what you eat before exams
Good nutrition is also important for cognitive activity corresponding. Therefore, during the entire training period, it is good for oppositions to give preference to fresh products and leave ultra-processed only as an exception. It was noticed that excess fat or sugar which they usually contain in their composition are very harmful for research. Some of the most useful products include vegetables such as chard, cabbage or broccoli. Fish or any other food rich in Omega-3 is also good. In fact, a 2011 study of medical students found that vitamin supplements Omega 3 They reduce anxiety levels before exams. Competition is a very stressful time, so prioritizing these fatty acids is always a good option.
As for the morning before an exam, a lot of energy is needed, so in addition to fruits and whole grains, it may be wise to introduce good source of proteineg eggs or nuts. Peanut butter is a great option for these breakfasts.
Moisturize well
Our brain is made up of 75% water. So, it comes as no surprise that hydration is essential for a competitive exam. Drinking enough water has been proven to help fix memory and perform tasks that require complex cognitive processing.
In 2019, a group of Chinese scientists conducted a study with students who were initially forced to fast for 12 hours without food or water. After this time, urine and blood samples were taken to measure the level of dehydration. In addition, they had to complete a number of cognitive tests.
Later, in the second part of the study, participants drank 1.5 liters of water for an hour and repeated the whole process. Apparently, those who were more dehydrated also performed worse on cognitive tests. They also felt more tired and in a worse mood. Fortunately, the effect is reversible as everything improved after rehydration. This means that even if you haven’t drunk much water so far, you still have time to hydrate before your exams. It is advisable to drink enough water the day before and during the examination. The amount usually depends on the need, 2 liters per day is not needed, but if you are thirsty, you need to drink.
Other methods of hydration may work, but these are better. don’t resort to energy drinksbecause that would be completely counterproductive.
Physical exercise will also help you before the competitive exam.
Exercising has many benefits. It is advisable to always do this, whether we are going to take exams or not. However, in these cases it is especially useful, especially on the eve of the exam. Practice cardiovascular exercise This helps better distribute oxygen and nutrients throughout all organs, including the brain. It was noticed that strength exercises This can also be helpful, so overall you can choose the one you like best. Of course, it is better to do this on the eve of the exam in the afternoon. If done at night, it may cause over-activation, which prevents Fall asleep.
You did well. Considering everything you’ve learned so far, you already have the knowledge to oppose. Now it’s time to calmly work on putting them into practice.
Source: Hiper Textual