This text was written by a TecMundo columnist; Learn more at the end.

The new year offers the opportunity to develop new habits and goals. In a productivity society, not setting goals and always seeking maximum performance and improvement seems ugly..

What science shows is that behavior change does not happen very quickly; In other words, improving sleep, exercising more, eating better, quitting smoking, drinking less alcohol are all processes that take time to become habits.

But after all, how long does it take to form a new habit? A new study collected data and answered the question. Discover the results and learn more about habits by focusing on physical exercise from a scientific perspective.

Habits: what are they?

Habit, according to the dictionary, is a tendency to constantly act in a certain way, acquired by frequent repetition of an action. But after reading the books best sellers About habits like The Power of Habits; Good Habits, Bad Habits; and Atomic Habits, I felt that a fundamental point was unclear in many of these studies: the complexity between behaviors that are habitual varies greatly, namely, Some habits are harder to form than others, and we cannot compare them in the same way as brushing our teeth..

Some parts of exercise, such as preparation, can become habits. (Source: Getty Images)

In the study, this activity had the highest level of automaticity (the basic assumption of habit) among 12 behaviors, including exercise. Apparently running or going to the gym isn’t like brushing your teeth as we hear. Starting with low awareness, How can we do 30 minutes of exercise without realizing it?R?

Therefore, in science, physical exercise is considered habitual behavior for some and unusual for others. It is acknowledged that some parts of exercise, such as preparation (equipment preparation, transportation, etc.), can become habits. In fact, it can enable the formation of pre-training routine habits, but it cannot ensure that the training is carried out. See the tips below.

New study shows that this period is not 21 days

The “21-day rule or technique”, in which it takes 21 days to form a habit, is quite common and was put forward by psychologist and plastic surgeon Maxwell Maltz in the 1960s, but has not been confirmed by scientific studies.

The most recent review of studies on the duration of health habits showed an average of 59 to 66 days, an average of 106 to 154 days, and the formation of habits varies widely among people (ranging from 4 to 335 days).

The authors note that “short 21-day challenges probably won’t be enough” and that “people should allow at least two to five months to develop new health habits.” especially for complex habits like exercise and healthy eating.

People should allow at least two to five months to develop new health habits.
People should allow at least two to five months to develop new health habits. (Source: Getty Images)

Another study showed 66 days, but the range was 18 to 254 days, meaning half a month to 8 months to establish health habits. Exercise that became a habit lasted approximately 90 days, ranging from 44 to 118 days. The complexity of the habit is a determining factor in the time it takes to form.

In the research evaluating physical activity and hygiene habits, more than 12 million workouts were analyzed with more than 30 thousand people who went to the gym for a year, more than 5 thousand healthcare workers from 30 hospitals were analyzed, and more than 40 people were analyzed. The hospital had a hand washing procedure, that was very clear.

he takes It takes approximately 4 to 7 months to form the habit of going to the gym.but only a week or two to wash your hands.

Practical tips to make exercise a habit

We need to go further with realistic expectations, knowing that 21 days are not enough to make going to the gym or running outside a habit. As common sense shows, frequency at the onset of behavior is essential.

Building new habits takes time but provides many health benefits.
Building new habits takes time but provides many health benefits.

In this sense, the person literally has to leave the house to do something, because frequent activity at the beginning leads to more persistent exercise in later periods, which is consistent with habit formation. Thinking, “I won’t go because I won’t have time to do the full workout today” is counterproductive when it comes to building an exercise habit.

“Even a little physical activity is better than nothing, and this was highlighted by researchers this week. So the minimum is valid.”

The social aspect can be helpful, as making a date with someone can get you going. Motivation for the habit is important. Visualize what rewards you will reap, but not the distant ones that take time, but the immediate ones, such as fun, socialization, distraction, and improved mood.

Dr., who is a psychologist and studies habits at the University of Surrey in England. Phillippa Lally states that if activities are more rewarding when performed, this accelerates the habit formation process.

Based on this guidance, we understand that it is not enough to be pleasant after finishing the exercise (you can be happy that it is over), but also during the exercise.

Make the road easier and reduce friction. Given the unfair activity options we have at home, which aren’t always healthy, it seems like it’s better to leave your workout clothes ready and head straight to the gym after work, as it requires less self-control. Setting a fixed schedule can be a strategy if it works for you, but it doesn’t work for everyone as it can make us rigid.

Knowing that physical exercise is not a habit like brushing your teeth and does not form in 21 days, Invest in flexible ways to maintain the most important aspect of any habit: frequency..

Fábio Dominski He holds a PhD in Human Movement Sciences and a degree in Physical Education from Santa Catarina State University (UDESC). He is a university professor and researcher at the Laboratory of Sport and Exercise Psychology (LAPE/UDESC). he does scientific dissemination on social media and in podcast available on Spotify. Author of Physical Exercise and Science – Facts and Myths.

Source: Tec Mundo

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I'm Blaine Morgan, an experienced journalist and writer with over 8 years of experience in the tech industry. My expertise lies in writing about technology news and trends, covering everything from cutting-edge gadgets to emerging software developments. I've written for several leading publications including Gadget Onus where I am an author.


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