We’ve all heard the typical Sleep Tricks: Avoid screens, exercise in the afternoon, read a little before bed… there’s everything, depending on the occasion. Now, which of these tips are those following the real experts on the subject?
Many sleep experts have given their opinions and even spoken about their experiences either through social media or in interviews for various MediaField In this article, we’ll read about the opinions and habits of six experts from different sleep-related fields from research centers around the world.
The reality is that their habits are not far from those we know. However, it is very interesting to know which ones they reinforce the most and the methods that are followed to accomplish them. Each case is a world apart, but we can be very helpful in getting to know these specific cases. Nobody likes to talk about this topic.
Andrew Wellman and office change
Andrew Wellman is director of the Breathing and Sleep Disorders Laboratory at Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital. In statements collected Middlehe said it for him Change your office This was the before and after quality of his dreams.
Previously it was located In the basementField He spent many days there when I was not in the hospital and did it with artificial light. So when he went to bed, he Circadian rhythms They were completely decompensated. Humans, like other animals, have a controlled sleep control system. supraciasmatic nucleus brain Among other functions, it drives or inhibits release Melatonina hormone that helps us fall asleep. But how does our brain know when you should send each signal? Here The retina of our eyes. When light comes through, the brain interprets that it is day inhibits melatonin releaseField Instead, when it stops detecting light, it advances it for release.
The light that prevents this release It’s usually naturalField As Wellman himself explains, even the natural light of a cloudy day will be better for our circadian rhythms than artificial light. So he decided to move his office to a sunnier part of the house. This way, the day passes with natural light, and his brain is better able to distinguish night from day. Since then he sleeps much better.
Michelle Tandella and the benefits of sleep
This professor and researcher at Central Queensland University in Australia admits that he doesn’t usually have trouble sleeping. However, like any person, sometimes it happens Bad nightField When this happens he notices the difference if it takes Some sleep the next day.
It shouldn’t be demonized whenever it’s done right. And, in general, 30-40 minutes sleep. If we do this, we will enter into a much deeper sleep and then we will feel sluggish. Also, it’s important to take a nap. at the beginning of the day; Well, if not, then the tricks will be to sleep at night.
Woody Wood Sleep Tricks
Wendy Wood is a psychologist at the University of Southern California. Also in Middle, This scientist explained what she needed A very specific routine To reconcile the dream.
To begin with, this usually does physical exercise during the day. He also sleeps and gets up at the same time every day. This is something that is usually part of more typical sleep tricks, but it adds an interesting detail. And even if he goes out late at night, still rising at the same timeField For this psychologist, her sleep routine is enough hours to sleep. Whenever it’s something punctual, of course.

On the other hand, Wood explains that a very well-established routine follows. It never works after 20:00 and starting at 9:00. This consists of taking infusions, reading, and doing other pleasant and relaxing practices, such as spending time on the couch with your husband.
Use light like Christopher Depner does
This University of Utah researcher places great importance on the light that illuminates him day in and day out. As soon as he starts on the street, on the street, The intensity of all artificial lights is reduced house. It’s not about living in the dark, it’s about our brain discovering that it has twilight.
Then, once he is up, he opens the windows so that between natural light; But also, it illuminates some of the artificial lights in the house. Something that doesn’t point to Depner, but is important to consider if we want sheaves, is that light color This is important. Light, which inhibits melatonin synthesis, is blue lightField Therefore, during the day the use of cool lights is advisable, with faster and bluish tones, and in night lights Warm, dull and yellowish.
Stephen Lockley: Tricks to Sleep From a Neuroscientist
This neuroscientist is the founder Tyne-fmerapplication aimed at helping people with Jet lagField In an interview for New scientistin which you can also read Depner’s statements, he explained that the most important of his buttons is planningField Just like Wendy Wood has her own ritual. But again, he adds something that may seem strange. And since he considers himself a nocturnal person, his ritual for falling asleep is Start late and finish late. Long story short, he slept late and comes out late in the morning. If you can avoid it, never have meetings. until 10:00.

Logically, he does it because he can. Not everyone can follow these tricks to fall asleep because, to begin with, not all jobs allow it. However, it is interesting that sleeping pills tricks They must be personalized. Not everyone has the same needs.
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Plan the night, but also the day: Mªángeles Bonmatí tells you
Mª Angeles Bonmatí – chronobiologist at the University of Murcia and author of the book That nothing will get in your wayField In posting his account, he explained something that is not usually part of the tricks to sleep more typical, but it is also important. Many times we cannot sleep mainly because Day to day, preoccupiedField Therefore, your advice is to set an hour during the day to think and look for solutions to these problems. Logically, it’s not easy to turn off your brain after not thinking about it. But it’s still a matter of practice. What do you think if you start doing this?
Source: Hiper Textual