A recent study had the Tyrannosaurus Rex, the most famous dinosaur of all, in three different species. In the end, however, a further final study stated that the king of three remains only one. This is why. It was the American Museum of Natural History and Carthage College that confirmed the existence of only one species of tyrannosaurus. An earlier study stated that there were two other tyrannosaur species in addition to the T-rex: Tyrannosaurus imperator and T. queen. This dissertation concerned the characteristics of the teeth and femur. Despite this, a new study still analyzed the previous data along with others. Among them are living birds and four non-avian theropod dinosaurs, such as the T-rex.

The previous theory of the three species was based on a limited number of fossils, insufficient for the demonstration of this thesis. The latest new study compared that data with 112 current bird species. This showed that the T-rex is less variable than most of these. This equation is the best and most reliable method of determining the end of one species and the beginning of another.

Thus, the T-rex remains the only valid species for the greatest number of scientists. There are probably other Tyrannosaurus species to discover. However, more certain proofs are needed to prove their existence. The T-rex therefore remains the ruler and can return to dominate all other dinosaur species. One less job, even for museums that don’t have to change the nameplates on the exhibits.

Source: Lega Nerd

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