*This text has been written based on the information received from health institutions and organizations, hospitals and health professionals. If you or someone you know has any of the symptoms described here, our recommendation is to seek out a specialist as soon as possible.

HE tell a lieWhile it is objectionable in most cultures and societies, it is something that is more or less a part of people’s lives. After all, who hasn’t lied when asked about the trivial thing like saying whether a certain person’s clothes are beautiful or that they haven’t forgotten a special date?

However, although lying from time to time is a part of human behavior, doing it excessively and uncontrollably may indicate the presence of a pathology called lying. mythomania. This illness can be understood as a compulsion to lie that the person does consciously and often as a mechanism of self-preservation or self-improvement.

But How does it work mythomania? there is treatment Is this for coercion? And how to distinguish an occasional liar from someone with this pathology?

What is mythomania?

a thoughtful pathology psychological, mythical obligation to lie they are consciously adopted by people to protect themselves or often mask reality to promote themselves. It is a mental illness process in which the patient lives by feeding his own lies and even resorts to some truths many times.

A patient diagnosed with mythomania is called. chronic liar. In the extreme cases of this disease, the person lies so excessively and unwittingly that he truly believes his own version of the truth – even when confronted directly with the truth or with evidence proving the lie.

hour reasons The development of mythomania is still unknown, but a combination of certain factors may trigger this condition. The person’s life history, past relationships and personal experiences are often factors that significantly affect the onset of the disease.

What is the difference between mythomania and a common lie?

Mythomania is characterized by exaggerating the frequency of lies.

Exaggeration is often closely related to this pathological picture. The so-called “social lie” – for example, when we are invited not to tell the truth so as not to hurt or upset someone – although this action is an indicator of the disease, it does not structure this state of the disease. pathology is present or in the early stages of its development.

In addition to exaggeration or the availability of fancy versions of the truth, the chronic liar tends to support his ideas even after they have been confronted and identified as false. Lying has become a habit for the patient, even though situations may put him in tense or stressful moments.

How to identify a chronic liar?

It is clear that not every liar suffers from mythomania. The above characteristics can help identify someone suffering from this disease. However, there are other clues that may be evidence that the individual is a chronic liar:

  • No remorse, guilt or shame for the lies told;
  • No fear of being unmasked in their own version of reality;
  • Telling extremely happy or sad stories;
  • Overly detailed storytelling for no apparent reason;
  • Tendency to victimize or brag;
  • The existence of several versions of the same story.

Are there any other evils associated?

Left untreated, the chronic liar can suffer from other diseases as well.

The pathology itself may not pose a risk to the physical integrity of the person, at least not directly, but is linked to other evils of a social nature. When defined as a chronic liar, the individual may isolate himself so as not to be unmasked or even avoided by those who define him or her as a liar.

As a result, the patient may even develop other psychiatric conditions such as depression and anxiety. Depending on the degree of mythomania, many other pathologies may also be associated and hence the importance of seeking treatment.

Mythomania treatment

Cognitive therapy treatment is the most effective way to deal with the mythomanic patient. Sessions with a psychologist will help the chronic liar to identify the cause of this behavior and find ways to reverse the pathological picture.

The healthcare professional will be able to analyze the patient’s life history and help identify what or what triggers the behavior, giving new meaning to the situation. Once this is done, the psychologist and patient can develop a coping repertoire, creating strategies for coping with times when lying becomes compulsive.

The treatment of mythomania can be quite complex, especially since the chronic liar often does not consider himself a sick person and does not accept professional help. Therefore, even if a diagnosis of mythomania is made, the help of family and friends is essential in order to control the condition and ensure a good quality of life for the patient.

Source: Tec Mundo

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I am Bret Jackson, a professional journalist and author for Gadget Onus, where I specialize in writing about the gaming industry. With over 6 years of experience in my field, I have built up an extensive portfolio that ranges from reviews to interviews with top figures within the industry. My work has been featured on various news sites, providing readers with insightful analysis regarding the current state of gaming culture.


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