A study published in the scientific journal Radiology recommends To smoke marijuana can cause even more damage to the respiratory system of smokers🇧🇷 In total, 75% of study participants who smoked cannabis and tobacco were diagnosed with pulmonary emphysema.

Studies show that only 67% of tobacco users have emphysema, while only 5% of non-smokers have this disease; This condition is a degenerative disease that usually develops after many years of smoking.

To conduct the study, the researchers compared chest CT scans of 56 people who used marijuana and tobacco, and lung scans of 33 smokers who had used tobacco for more than 25 years. They also analyzed data from 57 non-smokers with no history of lung disease.

D., principal author of the study and assistant professor of radiology at the University of Ottawa (Canada). According to Giselle Revah, the study suggests that marijuana has additional effects on the lungs of current smokers. However, he says scientists still don’t understand whether the aggressive effects are due to marijuana or a combination of the two substances.

cannabis and tobacco

“There is a public perception that marijuana is safer than tobacco, and this study raises concern that this may not be true. The American Lung Association says that all it needs to get into your lungs is fresh air, so if you inhale anything, it can be potentially toxic to your lungs,” he said. .

It is important to emphasize that HE The study is very limited and no information deemed important was observed.for example, about how cannabis was inhaled or even the amount used by participants.

According to another study published in the scientific journal European Journal of RespiratoryIIn partnership with the Medical Research Council (MRC) in the United Kingdom, scientists have found that the effects of cannabis are associated with increased total lung capacity, greater airway resistance and greater vital capacity. Other articles suggest that regular cannabis use is linked to reduced symptoms of COVID-19.

Source: Tec Mundo

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