In a study published in the journal Royal Society InterfaceResearchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) suggest that the relative humidity of indoor air may be a factor in accelerating or slowing the spread of covid-19.

Without a concrete response to the impact of climate on the spread and transmission of Sars-CoV-2, researchers from MIT decided to check whether the relative humidity of the indoor air had an effect on the increase or worsening of cases.

The relative humidity of the air is the relationship between the amount of water in the air and the saturation limit point. According to researches, the ideal humidity point is between 40% and 60%.

With this in mind, the researchers decided to check to see if this change in indoor humidity contributed to changes in transmission, exacerbation and death rates from covid-19.

The researchers analyzed data from a total of 121 countries with at least one disease outbreak between January and August 2020, the period before vaccination.

During the selected period, the greatest rate of pollution occurred indoors.

Researchers investigating the meteorological data and the indoor and outdoor climate of the environments in the investigated period reached solid conclusions about the effect of indoor relative humidity and covid-19 cases.

The survey showed that indoor environments where the relative humidity is maintained between 40% and 60% are less likely to develop disease and the results are more favorable for infectious conditions.

In addition to keeping the environment airy, indoor humidity can also be a protective factor against viral transmission and transmission.

Researchers claim that the relationship is during the virus’s survival period in very dry or very humid conditions. However, there is no definite relationship between cause and effect.

Research will continue and it is hoped that better understanding of more complete data on the impact of indoor humidity will enable new strategies to contain the outbreak and improve the environment for the care of infected persons.

Source: Tec Mundo

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