We all know some of these supposed tricks to remove alcohol first and avoid drunkenness or hangovers. Drinking coffee, wetting the back of your head with cold water, sucking on a battery, or even getting spanked are some of the craziest. Needless to say that they are useless. However, scientists continue to look for really effective ways to remove ethanol faster than it is metabolized under normal conditions. The goal is not to fool breathalyzers, but to avoid the harm they cause to the body. And the truth is that while most of the attempts didn’t bear great fruit, something was discovered in 2020 that could have some effectiveness.

This is a device that helps you get rid of alcohol faster through hyperventilation. The problem with hyperventilation is that rapid loss of carbon dioxide (CO₂) can cause many unpleasant or dangerous symptoms. Anyone who has had an anxiety attack that triggered this hyperventilation knows this. For this reason, the device developed by scientists from University of Canada in 2020, he took some of that carbon dioxide away and put it back into the body.

As a result, it was possible to reduce the rate of alcohol in the body of the participants three times faster. It’s been two years and it hasn’t been sold yet. However, a study published in Scientific reports, it was an interesting test of how you can actually lower your alcohol levels. Of course, it is clear that the best way to reduce the amount of alcohol in the body is not to drink it. It does not require research and inventions.

Hyperventilation to reduce alcohol

90% alcohol the substance consumed is metabolized into liver. This is an organ that needs its time. If there is too much alcohol, you will fail and suffer damage, which is why liver disease is so common among alcoholics. Although you don’t have to be an alcoholic, every time you drink alcohol, your liver cells are stressed, which can take a toll on us in the long run.

For the remaining 10% alcoholmetabolized into kidneys and lungs. The latter should not surprise us if we remember that breathalyzers measure alcohol precisely in exhaled air.

Faced with this reality, a group of scientists at the University of Canada a few years ago thought it would be interesting to move away from ethanol by making the lungs work faster. Namely, breathe out at a faster rate. On a boat this soon becomes easy, but can have dangerous consequences.

Julia Bretelli (Unsplas)

Risks of Hyperventilation

Carbon dioxide is essential for our body mainly for two reasons. On the one hand, since he intervenes in internal breathingthrough which oxygen is transported to all cells of the body. And, on the other hand, because it helps to maintain a stable pH so that our cells perform all their functions correctly.

When we hyperventilate what we do with broad strokes breathe very fast. That is, in a short time we introduce a lot of oxygen and release a lot of carbon dioxide from the body. This sudden loss of carbon dioxide has consequences as the blood is alkalized pH increase D disturbed internal breathing. When this happens, our brain sends a command to slow down our breathing. But this can be mistaken for suffocation, so we react with increased hyperventilation.

This initially generates feeling of tingling, dizziness and stiffnesswhich may end fainting. The situation can become very serious if nothing is done to correct it.

So if we just hyperventilate to get rid of the alcohol faster, we’ll pass out before it takes effect. The authors of this 2020 study knew this, so they developed a simple machine that returns some of the lost carbon dioxide and recycle it with inhalation.

The people who used it at the time claimed to have found it. boredbut not uncomfortable. And the results were clearly positive. However, these were people who consumed alcohol, but not in disproportionate amounts. Those who really need to quickly eliminate alcohol from very excessive consumption will be in very poor condition to use the machine on their own, so they will need help.

These are all proofs of concept, demonstrating how, knowing our body, we can anticipate some of its functions and take advantage of them. Despite the fact that the machine has not yet been put into mass production, there is something interesting about it. But again, remember that without the machine, the trick would be dangerous, so do not try to repeat it at home. In fact, don’t try any low-alcohol or hangover tricks because none of them work. Drink in moderation and remember that the optimal amount of alcohol is always no alcohol. Then we can do what we want, but we must not forget about it.

Source: Hiper Textual

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