With the new option What’s upSome options appear so that you can save temporary photos to your gallery, i.e. photos that can be viewed only once, or videos that contain a single reproduction, In case there is some relevant information for

There are different options to capture that image or video that disappeared before it is displayed, some of them we would like to share with you, But first, take into account that your interlocutor should always know that you are going to save the photo or image they just sent you.

To begin with, the most classic and (usually) error-free: take a screenshot, for this you need to Make sure you know the screenshot mechanism well.

Since the native functionality of Android phones does not allow you to take screenshots of such images, we recommend using an application for this.

Now you just have to open What’s upespecially in the chat where a single screenshot is sent to you and you will immediately need to open the image and take a screenshot.

If it’s a single viewing video, it may be powered by an app to record your Smartphone’s screen, for example Screen Recorder on Android devices, you just need to download it from Play Store. There are many apps that offer this service in general, another option is Record It.

Most of these apps have similar actions and to put them in the app, you just need to give the app permissions to use your mobile phone’s camera and microphone, this usually appears automatically when you enter the app, then you have to follow these steps. :

– In the app where you will record your screen, select the option that allows you to record video, it will identify it because usually has a red circle that means “Registration” or “Registration”.

– After recording, exit the application and enter WhatsApp, especially the video sent to you, in one view and play.

– When done, go back to the app where you recorded and select the option that allows you to stop the recording, these apps usually include tools so that you can remember the recording by appearance and duration from there.

Note that you also have the option to cut it out from your gallery or photo app in case this last step isn’t possible for you.

If you have root, that is, you can use rooter, which is the process for extending permissions and becoming a super user (you can make multiple changes within the operating system) on your Android. A browser files to enter the folder: data/data/com.whatsapp/files/ViewOnce, where all photos that can only be viewed once are stored.

You can read: Does WhatsApp notify chats or statuses when screenshots are taken?

If you are interested in rooting your Android, remember Take an in-depth review of the advantages and disadvantages of this procedure.

You can also use some applications such as Magisk or Xposed, Where you can disable FLAG_SECURE, Android’s protection against screenshots, you have to activate the LSPosed Modules tab, an option that will pop up on the screen after installing it, and have it work on it. What’s upDon’t forget to restart your mobile when it’s finished, this way you can take a screenshot.

Source: Exame

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