Civil Aviation updated Unmanned aviation regulations that allow unmanned aerial vehicles to operate in the country.

This regulation has been updated to include significant changes in order to promote and professionalize this sector.

On Wednesday, October 4, Aviation shared what the key changes are in the new standard, which is part of Decision 01983 dated September 27, 2023, which includes the RAC 100 standard, which stands for ‘Operation of unmanned aerial vehicles’.

The announced changes aim to allow safe access and use of airspace across national territory to respond to technological developments and advances.

Weight capacity determined for registration of unmanned aerial vehicles 200 grams or more.

Additionally, “Drones that have reached the end of their useful life or lost flight capability will be required to report to Aerocivil.”

All registered unmanned aerial devices must “have a label attached to their structure to facilitate identification.”

The new rule makes clear that manned aviation operations always have priority over the operations of these devices.

Operations of this type of aircraft are classified into the following categories under these regulations:

Open Category: For non-commercial operations with a maximum weight of 25 kilograms.

Special Category: For commercial operations up to 250 kilograms or outside the open category limits, requiring a certified pilot and flight rating.

Finally it was included in the Civil Aviation standard. cargo transportation operation will be allowed (Drone Delivery) and flying in BVLOS (Beyond Line of Sight) conditions is now included.

Moreover, Criteria have been established for night flights, urban flights and indoor flights, among others. Meanwhile, open category spraying activities will not require a permit to fly on a property owned by no more than two UAV teams.

Another important point is Guidelines published in update on privacy protection.

It is hosted on the Aerocivil website for all citizens to consult to learn about the new regulations in detail.

* With information received from Civil Aviation

Source: Exame

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