Marvel Studios He has a very clear vision of the project he will pursue in the coming years. The company has retooled the fifth part of the Avengers, which will now be Avengers: Judgment Day. In it, they will introduce their new main antagonist for the rest of the Infinity Saga, Doctor Doom from Robert Downey Jr. However, there are already some projects that have been announced that could be cancelled in the coming weeks. These are films that don’t fit well into the new scheme.
At least, that’s what the insider says. Daniel Richman. According to the source, the company is seriously considering canceling the two films. “They have at least five live-action series in development. I also heard that the final decision on the fate of Armored Wars and from Blade in the coming months,” he points out. These are the two projects that have faced the biggest implementation problems since they were announced several years ago.
Armored Wars was born as a TV series starring James Rhodes from Don CheadleIt was in December 2020 when Kevin Feige confirmed his development, which later became a movie. But four years later, there has been virtually no progress. So it’s possible they’ll finally do without it. And Disney’s plan is to cut back on the number of annual releases so as not to saturate the public so much, and to clean up their accounts.
Just like Love warsmovie Blade This could have been another big sacrifice. The film was announced in 2019, and Mahershala Ali as the main character who took up the baton Wesley Snipes. Five long years later, several directors and writers have gone through this. Many different stories were ultimately rejected. And Marvel may have definitely tired of it. Despite being one of its most anticipated projects, it is in danger of never being realized.
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Marvel is not canceling films
The truth is, if Marvel delays both films, it would be the first time in over 15 years. So far, only two film projects have ended in failure. One was Captain America: The Serpent Society and another Avengers: Kang Dynasty. But in both cases, the studio simply changed the title and direction of the story. The first was Captain America: Civil War and the second one will be Avengers: Judgment Day in 2026.
So finally closing the chapters Blade And Armored Wars That would be a much more radical decision. One thing is clear: both films are currently money-losing affairs, as they have no trailers. And perhaps Marvel and Disney don’t want to wait any longer, wiping the slate clean and focusing on more profitable projects.
Source: Hiper Textual