Oscar nominations left their good disputes and random surprises. Especially, a group of categories diverges much more than in previous years. This is the case of the best non -Junglest film in which they compete with a big surprise of the year Emilia Perez And the favorite of most of the public Stream, peace to saveThe field but it also includes a Polish drama, which can be a big surprise. This is about Needle girl (2024) Magnus von Horn. Dark story fILMED is black, which surprises with its tension and a perverted point of view of evil.
The tape is a cruel and gloomy story about motherhood, social and cultural pressure on women, in addition to death and horror. Everything, thanks to the nature of Carolina (Vick Carmen Sonn), a modest woman who in Copenhagen in 1919 should face a series of more and more cruel misfortunes. Based on some moments of the real history of the Dagmar Overbyye serial killer, this argument is a study without subtleties about abortion and abandoning children. Also, regarding the cruelty affected by women of any time.
Especially, since the situations related to Caroline become more cruel and force her to make desperate decisions. Needle girl Avoid ordinary and melodramatic paths to talk about your difficult point of view of suffering. Instead, he devotes long fixed sequences to deepen the cause why anyone can fall into increasingly humiliating and terrible situations. Turn into which The script – which the director also writes with Line Langebek – returns again and again.
Horrors of poverty, helplessness and humiliation
The film devoted to special interest to how his main character is experiencing a gloomy script. With the missing, there is not enough husband at the front of the war, poor work and threat, when he is thrown out of the house where he lives, Caroline survives as he can. Therefore, when relations begin with his boss Georgen (Joachim Fjeltrup) and will become pregnant with him, everything seems to be a different course. What, When a man offers him a marriage and teaches a child that a young woman is waiting.
However, after a humiliating medical examination, the mother of Yorgen checks that pregnancy can be interrupted. So prohibits marriage with his weak son and throws Caroline into the street. He refused and scared, the character should then face the possibility of the practice of abortion illegal and potentially mortals. But when everything fails, Ultimately, this will conduct a pregnancy in the worst and more painful conditions.

The tape becomes more winding, since Caroline is trying to remain safe against the background of more and more violent circumstances. With obvious criticism of the subtext of all ways that a woman can be badly addressed, Needle girl Explores the loneliness of the victims. His main character soon abandoned any support, more isolated and, of course, was refused everyone around him. The script is not inconvenient, softening the suffering through which Caroline is experiencing. The solution that makes the film gradually more overwhelming. Without this, Make a story story about misfortunes or moralistic or ethical preaching.
Visual section that provides a second reading of the film

With dull air Needle girl He transforms his visual section to the point of your benefit to emphasize the messages that your argument wants to transmit. Director of Cinematography Michal Dimek makes each of the scene with a cautious composition of lights and shadows. In addition, a destroyed script that becomes more tragic when history moves around the city and Between the halves of the rooms are destroyed by unreliable.
All of the above is emphasized when the Caroline situation becomes even worse. This, accepting the alleged help of Dagmar (Trin Dirholm), the rector of a secret shelter who offers help. For a modest amount, she and her accomplices will make sure that the newborn child of a young woman in a safe house. Or, at least, this is a deceptive promise, which ultimately deceives the character. Step by step that it seemsAnd the inevitable tragedy is becoming more and more claustrophobic horror.

Especially because the script will not yield to disguise the obvious. Caroline was in a similar situation from a series of horrors of time, when few women were safe. Needle girlThis is not just a deeply sad movie. That is, undoubtedly, one of the most sad released in 2024. At the same time, this statement about injustice, institutionalized violence and the right of women to their body. All topics that the film deepens With skill, and this can make him one of the great surprises of Oscar 2025. The film arrives on March 21 in Spain, and you can see it in a mub if you find Latin America.
Source: Hiper Textual