When it comes to parsing a variant catalog Netflixworks such as Paper House: Korea this includes the debate that moves between advertising and the correct meaning of the new series. The premiere of the second part of the production revives this franchise and at the same time leaves mixed feelings.

Perhaps the discussion could start from the end remake. In artistic fields such as music, those who go beyond do so by offering an update on the theme without the original version being blurry or unsuccessful. The value in this case is to give it a twist and present the song to new generations or the public. If this logic applies to Paper House: Korea – Part 2it is not so easy to draw a positive conclusion.

The series wants to stick to the tradition imposed by paper househe this limits almost any potential that its cultural structure, Asian, offers it. There is a catch in this feeling. When viewed from the other side of the world, the original series is positioned as a wonderful benchmark. This reality need not be the same at other latitudes.

Why is it important to understand the above? because Paper House: Korea This production is not so much for those who have already seen the original series, but for a continent that may not be used to this type of storytelling.. Since the main product was set to be one of the most watched on Netflix, it made sense to try it on the other side of the world.

Paper House: Korea – Part 2
It’s a good intention, but…

Having clarified the previous point, and taking into account that there is no way to position yourself as an Asian viewer, Paper House: Korea – Part 2, maintains the foundations established in the first part. What in theory seems to be an achievement, in this case is not. The remake doesn’t go beyond that. What is it? The tension between the criminals and the state, represented in the police.

Most of the characters in Paper House: Korea They trace those from the original series, even in some phenotypic detail. This entails, in the eyes of the non-Asian viewer, the feeling that he is a copy and not an image. In some cases this works very well, giving performances that approach the panache and aura of the actors who were part of the main series.

The story is sustained in its actions, in tensions, yes, although they are obvious and in general terms, with the original series as a reference, predictable. But some characters manage to create their own space, their own special atmosphere. This may not be enough to achieve something equalizing, given the previous setting. However, if you try to look beyond it, there is value in this last aspect on which you can move on.

Contrasts and missed opportunity

Whereas Netflix is ​​a global platform and products such as Paper House: Korea Usually available to audiences outside of Asia, this condition makes this type of entertainment content with powerful cultural value. This is provided that it is well managed. It’s about sharing a piece of culture, a philosophy based on a recognizable story.

AT Paper House: Korea – Part 2, the strength of its architecture does not abound, for example; he also doesn’t go into detail about giving some clues about aspects of the lifestyle in which the story is being recreated.. These issues can be resolved explicitly, through the script or through the implementation, with the help of frames, sequences, symbolism, which can be interpreted within the framework of the developed plot.

Any artistic proposal is usually a window to a way of seeing the world, attitudes towards issues such as politics, economics, its artistic expression and even historical impulses. Paper House: Korea – Part 2, in general, does not advance much in these senses. A total of twelve chapters between both sides are available on Netflix.

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Source: Hiper Textual

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