Did you know that one of the herbs you use to season your food is beneficial for your brain? Uma Naidoo, a nutritional psychiatrist and professional chef at Harvard University, says: Not only does rosemary provide antioxidant effects to the body and support blood sugar levels, it can also improve memory and cognition.

Salvia rosmarinus, also known historically as rosemary It has been used medicinally to treat renal colic, dysmenorrhea, stimulate hair growth, and relieve symptoms of respiratory disorders.

(Of interest: Mint: Who should not eat this herb? Precautions and contraindications)

Now, Studies highlight its use for brain protection. Josh Axe, author of ‘Ancient Remedies’, explains that inhaling the aroma of rosemary can improve concentration and memory.

(We recommend reading: Bitter herbs: what are they and what benefits do they have when consumed?)

This herb has “antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-apoptotic, anti-tumor, anti-nociceptive and neuroprotective properties.”

It also “shows significant clinical effects on mood, learning, memory, pain, anxiety, and sleep.””, explain Mahboobeh Ghasemzadeh Rahbardar and Hossein Hosseinzadeh in their article for the United States National Library of Medicine.

Harvard University adds that rosemary “may help relieve pain (analgesia) while acting as a tonic for the system.” It relieves symptoms of nervousness, stress, depression and anxiety.

(Keep reading: Rosemary: An herb to help improve memory and concentration, according to Harvard).

This plant has terpenes, a chemical substance found in various aromatic plants. In the case of rosemary, 1,8-cineole helps blood vessels in the brain.

This compound inhibits the most important enzymes of the nervous system (AChE and BChE) found in acetylcholine, one of the most important neurotransmitters in the brain.

The above means that the more acetylcholine there is in the brain, the more the synapses fire.This increases cognitive performance.

(Also: They discover a plant that improves the functioning of the mind).

Naidoo states on his website: Using herbs and spices in cooking is an easy way to increase the nutritional value of meals. She recommends combining olive oil with rosemary for meal prep and added nutrients. It can also be consumed as a supplement.

(Continue reading: Does an aloe vera mask help heal sunburns on the skin?)

Experts state that Consuming large amounts of rosemary can cause vomiting, coma, and in some cases, pulmonary edema.

On the other hand, It may also impair blood clotting and interfere with blood-thinning medications such as aspirin and warfarin.

According to the Mayo Clinic, “herbal supplements may interact with medications used to treat heart and blood vessel problems, such as high blood pressure and heart failure.” “Some of these drug interactions can be risky.”

This herb acts as a diuretic and increases the risk of dehydration, so Consumption should be moderate.

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Source: Exame

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I am Bret Jackson, a professional journalist and author for Gadget Onus, where I specialize in writing about the gaming industry. With over 6 years of experience in my field, I have built up an extensive portfolio that ranges from reviews to interviews with top figures within the industry. My work has been featured on various news sites, providing readers with insightful analysis regarding the current state of gaming culture.


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