The life of Elizabeth Holmes has become one of the great sinister curiosities of the financial world. Also at embarrassment in the pristine landscape of Silicon Valley. This phenomenon was so big that it deserved its own series in the Disney + universe: screening does its job with Theranos history in the hands of an aspiring villain.

One of the largest thefts of an entrepreneur in recent years is mixed with several ideas at once. First, the notion that the exclusive prerogative of the great geniuses of the world of technological progress is more fragile than it seems. And secondly, what Holmes is a complex character it goes beyond mere perception of their manipulation and fraud skills.

dropout combines both dots to create a powerful Theranos script that tells the main story behind it while also adding multiple layers of context. Far from extravagant drama Who is Anna? Netflix to compare it to dropout Disney+ shines with its sobriety. It is also for his intellect to discuss the fact of the crime and the figure of its protagonist with brutal honesty.

Argument Theranos story does not play with ambiguity or empathy for the character of Holmes, skillfully played by Amanda Seyfried. In fact, he is more interested in showing a powerful and well-planned journey through his crimes on Theranos. About his motives for committing them and how he beat Silicon Valley at home in a short period of time. All while neat scenes screening they show the business world as a mysterious zone of sophisticated collisions, of which the world is almost unaware.

Much of the series takes place in the midst of the modern perception of exclusivity, the struggle for acceptance and recognition. screening bases its effectiveness on demonstrating the intricacies of new areas of success. Go through the expanses of decisions that are destined to change the world. All from the point of view of Holmes, who managed to upset the delicate balance and endow his character with ingenious cunning. The series immediately grapples with the idea of ​​what made Holmes try to succeed through deceit.. And later he analyzes and builds its details as a large structure of small collective paranoias. Holmes wants to succeed with Theranos and will do so at any cost.

Strange difficult place

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screening more interested in dismantling the phenomenon of large-scale deception than in its consequences

Elizabeth Holmes, founder of Theranos Medical Company and architect of the monumental scam, is an enigmatic character. And as such screening analyzes it from the periphery. In fact, out of a brief prologue context, the series begins the story with the girl that Holmes was, confronted with the idea of ​​success. And achieve this at any cost. The series pays special attention to mixing the idea of ​​excessive ambition with subtle and cunning greed. The result is a brilliant character that is built step by step to become a “high level player”. The term is repeated several times to define Elizabeth Holmes’ aspirations, her questionable decisions, and the idea of ​​cheating as a path to recognition.

For Holmes, there are no half measures. Triumph comes through some sacrifices, and the first is ideals. From this very firm conviction, the character moves forward in his own story, making it clear that his strength lies in his formidable resistance. He endures, as far as possible, the circumstances around him, the fact of a broken house, the disappointment of his parents and personal cultural pain. But beyond that, Seyfried’s Elizabeth Holmes ruthlessly keeps track of the space she needs to overcome in order to win. Lies, fraud, falsification, and manipulation seem to be the minimum cost of what Holmes wants. The character poses a question out of impossibility. “I will never succeed without making big bets,” Holmes insists, convinced that the path to success leads to a slippery road.

Certainly, screening it is more interested in eliminating the phenomenon of deception on a large scale than in its consequences. Show it through a character that ranges from ruthless to mysterious. The script manages to create a persistent undertone that modern success is never pure. And that actually thinking about it is painfully naive. For Holmes, who is fully convinced that the struggle for his ambition contains some kind of darkness, the answer is obvious. You can win only if the enemy loses courage and strength in front of your guard.. Right or wrong, this is an unusual premise for a series in the style of screening.

The Dropout: New Dark Areas Tour

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Elizabeth Holmes has convincingly misled the American business world. He also did it with his Silicon Valley peers. He claimed and tried to prove that he had discovered a technology that would change medicine forever. Rather, access to medical care for the most disadvantaged patients. A soft promise that, of course, he had no intention of keeping. In 2015, Forbes recognized Holmes as one of the most amazing billionaires in the new science and technology landscape.

He was at the peak of his career, and his Theranos company was a symbol of prosperity and benefits of the new financial playing field. Two years later, Elizabeth Holmes was at the epicenter of the hurricane, turning into an outcast and guardianship criminal. screening, which analyzes all this way from the concept of Holmes as an anti-hero with endless gradations of darkness, is without an opinion. In fact, he leaves the viewer to decide what to do with Holmes. “How many of us are not willing to take more risks to win?” the character asks himself again and again. The same doubt that the series insists on its highest scores.

Source: Hiper Textual

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