Among the messaging applications available today, Telegram It is one of the best in existence because it has an innovative character that makes it very special (so much so that others often copy it, eg WhatsApp). The fact is that among the possibilities offered by the platform there are groups that are very useful. We tell you how to access them.

This option provides a social character that makes Telegram stand out far more than its other competitors. groups one great room In general, anyone who has an account in the application – if it is public – can log in according to certain conditions. It is possible to meet others there who have the same hobbies or are part of a group of friends. It should not be confused with channels where informative messages are displayed (and are important because of how useful they are).

Find groups you’re interested in on Telegram

With the ability to create public groups, Telegram has a search engine to find and step through such groups to enter them. The truth is that this is quite simple to achieve, because you only magnifying glass icon it’s in this interface and type the text string that lets you find things that might interest you (for example, football or manga series).

If you see a few results, it is possible for more to appear using the show more option. Now, simply enter the one you think interests you and once there, if what you see convinces you, use the button at the bottom. To join. It’s all that simple.

Search for groups in the Telegram app

Smart Life

How to join private groups

In this case, the searcher cannot find the groups as before. This is because Telegram offers advanced privacy options and you can only place a group of those with relevant features. connection accessible. Therefore, you must get this to become a full member.

If you know someone it’s simple: they just need to send you the information via chat and when you get it click on it to join the group. Sometimes these have elements security, e.g. a confirmation to make sure it’s a bot being accessed (clicking on that link completes the action). In the meantime, it is important to comply with the membership conditions in order not to be expelled from the group.

A tip before we finish: check well everything related to the group to avoid unpleasant surprises. So, apart from the theme, check that the tone used is appropriate and also that no laws are violated for what might happen.

Source: Cincodias Elpais

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