Rain is usually slightly acidic, but true acid rain is rare and generally harmless. This was said by Irina Eremina, a specialist in climatology, who studies the composition of Moscow rains.

The acidity of rain is measured using pH. It ranges from 1 to 14 and 7 is considered neutral. Eremina explained that anything below 7 is considered acidic and anything above it is considered alkaline.

In its pure form, rainwater has a slightly acidic reaction, close to a value of 5.6. This is due to the presence of carbon dioxide, which, after dissolving in moisture droplets in the atmosphere, turns into weak carbonic acid. That’s why meteorologists consider rain with a pH reaction between 5.0 and 7.0 neutral, while those with a pH below 5.0 are considered acidic. However, acid rains rarely fall more than five times a year and generally do not pose a threat to health.

Irina Eremina noted that if you measure the acidity of juice or wine, the pH will be lower than that of rain. For example, the pH of wine is about 3.5. But despite this, no one will face negative consequences if the wine falls on their head. Also acid rain is very rare so you don’t have to worry.

Source: Ferra

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