Recently, an important and even unique event took place in Great Britain, a milestone in and significance. And this gave rise to a lot of problems for the organizers of the celebrations, because the advanced age of Majesty Elizabeth II does not allow her to take long walks. In addition, according to tradition, the inheritance is proclaimed at Buckingham Palace in the carriage of the Priest George III, which is so uncomfortable that it has been quietly hated since 1762.
The inconvenience of the royal carriage became legendary, so instead of torturing the elderly queen, instead of Elizabeth II, the engineers were in danger of her hologram. The notebooks of 53 years old were taken as a basis, the data of the codes of the young queens were returned with the coronoball ceremony. The hologram was seen by many Londoners who arrived to greet Elizabeth II.
Strictly speaking, this is not a full-fledged 3d hologram, it would still be real. A similar technological toy was used, with the help of which such a chakra was “resurrected” at the site of the couchell in 2012. Later, in 2020, Kanye est gave a gift to his sruya kim kardashian in the talking golrams of her Fr.

Source: Tech Cult