A person can get two types of iron from food. Heme is found in meat and other foods of animal origin and is better absorbed in plant foods than without heme. Iron is also better absorbed if you consume animal proteins and vitamin C.

Why is maintaining normal iron levels important for health? Thanks to this element, oxygen is supplied to the tissues of the body. At the same time, women need more iron than men, as they lose about 2 mg per day, and men – 1 mg.

What strange symptoms could be signs of iron deficiency?

  1. Desire to eat something inedible. For example cardboard, chalk, earth, etc. This occurs in pregnant women and children.
  1. Brittle nails of an unusual shape. Nails can be spoon-shaped and break easily. True, the first sign may indicate other diseases in addition to anemia.
  1. Dry and chapped lips. If you have experienced this problem during the summer months, you may have an iron deficiency. Also, with a lack of this element, it is the corners of the lips that crack.
  1. restless legs syndrome. In this case, the person feels tingling and constant pain in the legs.
  1. swollen tongue. In atrophic glossitis, the tongue may become swollen and tender. You may also encounter problems with speaking, swallowing, chewing. People with iron deficiency may also experience burning and dry mouth.
  1. desire to eat ice. Scientifically, this is called pagophagia. And it occurs in cases of severe anemia.

News cannot be equated with a doctor’s prescription. Consult an expert before making a decision.

Source: Ferra

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