We sentient beings are such sluts, leaving bits of ourselves everywhere we go, even St. The next was “I” includes various secretions: saliva, waste products, and constantly shedding areas such as dead skin cells – almost all the occurrence of biodebris is detected in the presence of our DNA signature. Beetles are not exceptional in this sense. Invertebrates leave biotraces from packing to harvest, including tea leaves, which
Scientists from the University of Trier discovered the presence of 1200 r different species of invertebrates in 40 samples from the village. For example, up to 400 species of insects were found in green tea in only one bag. A total of 3,264 invertebrates, including carnivores, herbivores, detritivores and parasites from around the world, were found in tea and herb samples from common foods. There were traces of DNA from spiders, cockroaches, ticks, flies, butterflies, praying mantises and many others.
This diversity may be due to the way the herbs are processed – during the grinding of plants, DNA from all parts of the field where the crops were grown, including beetles and their eggs, are developed and evaluated by fractions. Obtaining genetic soups provides enough information to determine where the plants are grown and what the invertebrate biodiversity is in the area. Dry plant material is an excellent tool for monitoring arthropod populations and poisoning with plants, identifying pests, and detecting imported new plant materials.
This approach is still not perfect and needs further standardization. For example, it is not clear whether to return to THE However, the method already provides a lot of information that was not easily accessible before. It can be used to facilitate observation of the environment, including in retrospect – using samples from the herbarium museum – to understand how infections have changed around the world. I watched.
Source: Tech Cult