VkusVill may soon launch its own catering network – the retailer recently created a new legal entity – LLC Romans. His main profile is restaurant and cafeteria activities.

“Vkusvill” plans to launch a new chain of cafes “Romanos”


According to SPARK-Interfax, 80% of the shares of the new company belong to the Project Office and 20% to the general director of Romans LLC, Georgy Korolev. A company representative confirmed to Vedomosti that the retailer is testing a new public catering project, but did not reveal details.

The president of the Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers, Igor Bukharov, considers that the arrival of retail trade in this market is very sensitive for restaurants. In addition to losing some of their income, cafes and restaurants are experiencing an outflow of cooks and other staff due to current staff shortages.

In addition, he added that the format of combining a cafeteria and a grocery store is beneficial for Vkusville, especially because customers increasingly want to cook less on their own and increasingly prefer prepared snacks.


Karina Pardaeva

Source: RB

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