A new LLC has entered the capital of the legal entity of the online school “Algorithmika”; As of March 13, 14.3% of the company is owned by LLC Management and Development, as follows from the data of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. . According to the general director of the online school, Andrei Lobanov, this is the next stage of “moderation”.
Previously, at the end of the year, the 20% stake in Algorithmic, owned by the Cypriot Ruffell Holding Limited, was transferred to the Russian legal entity Algoservice LLC. This structure is 100% owned by the main owner, Andrey Lobanov. Lobanov himself then explained to RB.RU that it was about simplifying the ownership structure.
Management and Development LLC was created on February 17, 2023. Currently, the shares of Algoritmika LLC are distributed as follows: 68.6% belongs to Andrey Lobanov, 17.1% remains to Algoservice LLC and 14. 3% belongs to Management and Development.
Last fall, Vedomosti reported, citing its sources, that Algorithmika was looking for an investor. As Andrey Lobanov clarified to RB.RU, the current changes are not related to investments.
The online school “Algorithmics” specializes in teaching programming and mathematics to children aged 7 to 17.
Natalia Gormaleva
Source: RB
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