An unknown DNA study of Beethoven has cast doubt on his identity. The work was carried out by international scientists, who raise questions about its bias. Unexpectedly, the results were too short, so this was not possible beforehand.

Genomic analysis focused on the importance of rhythm synchronization ability summarized the polygenic indices of PGIS. The results are similar to those of achieving achievement. Tara Heniewicz, one of the second study, called the great music composer’s polygenic calving displays “unremarkable.”

If we judge Beethoven’s musical talent solely by genetic analysis, then this is superior to only 9% of people – this, of course, is a fallacy. Genekhovich uses genetic stability and believes that research should prescribe that DNA alone cannot be used to judge ways to maintain a child’s health.

Reina Gordon, the inclusion of reserve forces includes not only genes, but also external conditions. This is the most important part of the process being solved. role.

Source: Tech Cult

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