Attackers developed another method to steal money from bank cards remotely, but it was also discovered. They cloned bank cards. ArsTechnica writes about this.

Hackers have learned to clone bank cards remotely via NFC-enabled smartphones
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Experts from ESET, which deals with cybersecurity issues, have identified a new criminal scheme. In it, fraudsters used the Android operating system and NFC contactless payment technology. They cloned bank cards and then withdrew their funds.

Quick money scammers pose as bank security officers and ask customers to install NFCGate software. They then convince the victim to touch their bank card to the NFC module of their phone. The attackers then receive a digital copy of the card, from which they quickly withdraw money.

ESET specialist Lukas Stefanko notes that this is the first time he has encountered such a dangerous method of stealing money in real life. He also points out that it is possible to clone a user’s card if criminals get hold of it or have physical access to it. About a year ago, the Czech police reported a gang that was stealing money from Prague residents in this way.

An attacker can clone a card by “reading” it in wallets, backpacks or smartphone cases, where there may be many. Therefore, it is advisable to be especially careful, even in public places.

In mid-August, Apple announced plans to open up access to the iPhone’s NFC chip to third-party developers. The innovation is expected in the iOS 18.1 update. Apple device owners will be able to offer contactless transactions outside of the Apple Pay and Apple Wallet ecosystem.


Nikolai Tikhonov

Source: RB

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