The Pixel 9 has a 50MP main camera, while the iPhone 15 has a 48MP main camera. The Pixel’s biggest advantage over the iPhone is that Google’s smartphone has an ultra-wide sensor with 4 times more megapixels than the iPhone.
Google Pixel 9 has much more settings when taking photos. So you can take the photos you want. However, iPhone generally lacks the balance management function. At the same time, Pixel 9 gets quite hot when shooting compared to iPhone 15.
When comparing ultrawide shots you can see that the Pixel provides more detail, while the iPhone has more grain and noise.
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One of the main differences between the smartphones is the ability to take macro photos. The Pixel 9 has a dedicated mode for this, and the iPhone 15 takes such photos with its ultra-wide camera. Sample images are above.
In portrait mode, both smartphones perform quite well. There is not much difference between them.
In low light, the Pixel 9 already produces almost the same results as the iPhone 15. It also produces more natural-looking colors in photos compared to Apple’s device.
The Pixel also has a special mode that lets you shoot the stars at night. This is called astrophotography mode. The iPhone 15 doesn’t have this feature.
In panoramic mode, the Pixel 9 captures more detail and has better color reproduction, but the iPhone has a wider viewing angle in this mode.
Another cool feature of the Pixel 9 is that it lets you add yourself to photos taken with other people.
The Pixel produces less detail when shooting video with its selfie camera, but the image is brighter and clearer on the iPhone 15. Photo samples are above.
When it comes to video capabilities, both smartphones perform quite well. They can record 4K 30fps video with the main camera.
The Pixel 9 and the iPhone 15 are both really good camera-wise. The Pixel offers more features when it comes to taking photos, and the iPhone may be better for long-term use since Google’s virtual assistant performs worse.
Source: Ferra
I am a professional journalist and content creator with extensive experience writing for news websites. I currently work as an author at Gadget Onus, where I specialize in covering hot news topics. My written pieces have been published on some of the biggest media outlets around the world, including The Guardian and BBC News.