Sber launched deposits in Indian rupees, Tele2 changed its name to T2, Tesla plans to produce the six-seater Model Y and other new products on September 4.
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- Sber has announced the launch of deposits in Indian rupees. The minimum amount is 100 thousand rupees.
- The Tochka bank for entrepreneurs filed six lawsuits against the MTS subsidiary. The court accused Rospatent as a third party.
- Mobile operator Tele2 has changed its name to T2. The company has been preparing for the rebranding for two years.
The court has decided to recover 1 million rubles from the Techout online store in favor of a Russian who bought a PC but did not receive it, RB.RU has learned. The store believes that an unscrupulous supplier is to blame, but the court did not accept this fact as a circumstance of force majeure.
- Tesla plans to start production of the six-seat Model Y in late 2025 in China. The company is under pressure from local competitors.
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