Three days ago Myrkl went on sale in cycling in the UK, which includes certain items of kktp. The first batch, at a hefty price of two pounds sterling for an offer of two tablets, was quickly sold out, but then disappointment entered the language. And when scientists got down to business, they revealed the problem.

As stated in the description of Myrkl, the product includes organic substances that neutralize alcohol while still in the gastrointestinal tract, so the liver does not use the production of acetaldehyde to neutralize alcohol. The particularly toxic acetaldehyde is responsible for all the severe effects of a hangover. De neutralization of the created comex with the culture of bacillus subtilis and B. Coagulans, with the addition of l-cysteine, dextrinmbha, b12 and fat.

Myrkl’s problem is that the main basis of his action is based on the unity of lines, custom-made. In it, only 24 minutes from this category began, objects during the week gave losses of just one. Measuring blood alcohol levels showed a 50% reduction, depending on the control group. However, when measuring alcohol in the exhaled sea, the concentration is only 30%.

The scientists took note that there was no indication of whiting without measuring the level of ccetaldehyde, against cototocome iota. Moreover, since the alcohol in the blood of the subjects is still a species, it means that it has passed through the liver, because the effect of the drugs does not match its description. Because of this, it dissolves some of the alcohol directly in the intestines and is very expensive in today’s cremenam times. wasted.

Source: Tech Cult

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