The team of the Utah Valley Game University – UVU (USA) is captured by Sing and Joshem Lothringer using the Hubble telescope to detect an exoplanet, codenamed WASP-178b. It is difficult to call it our neighbor – it is separated from the Earth by 1360 light years.

The attention of astronomers was attracted by the fact that it is very close to the man “Sun” – a young white star WASP-178, whose mass is twice that of the Sun. About their significant size exoplanet orbit – 3.3 days.

Not surprisingly, the temperature on the surface of WASP-178b goes off scale, which is present in the atmosphere of silicon monoxide (SiO), that is, even rocks and metals evaporate on this planet.

celestial exoplanets belong to the class of gas giants. In the solar system, its analogue is Jupiter, whose mass is 1.4 times, and the size is half the size of WASP-178B. So far, astronomers have discovered 300 of these “hot Jupiters”.

It also turned out that they formed much further from their “suns” and subsequently began to approach them, gradually heating up. At startup temperature and temperature of WASP-178b, the first time 2180°С

Source: Tech Cult

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