The internet is now used almost everywhere and for just about everything. This does not mean that everyone enjoys having the addiction that is present in their Internet access on a daily basis. A study by the company NordVPN made it clear that there aren’t a few people who would do everything about the cloud without it if it were possible.
Currently, the Spanish population that has access to and uses the internet is more than 90%, an impressive figure that shows this in one way or another (for sending a WhatsApp message or watching a YouTube video). The Internet is something that has become indispensable. However, according to the NordVPN study, there are a very significant number of people in Spain who will never have a problem accessing it again and “deleting themselves” if that could happen. We’re talking about 29% of internet users.
Some of the reasons for this
One of the most important is a feeling of use By companies on the Internet, especially data collectors. We’re talking about 44% of those surveyed, no less. And that’s very important, because if this is on the rise, there could be a paradigm shift in Internet use, and that way, those who are currently in control will go into the background.
Even the feeling of insecurity is something that causes rejection when going online. The data that NordVPN shows on this is really impressive: 35% of people believe they will be attacked sooner or later. Also, the same amount doesn’t like having their real names in the corner of the Internet for one reason or another, and that’s something that can’t be avoided right now, no matter how much Facebook loves it. I think Metaverse is the future.

Personal information is a big problem, according to NordVPN
In the survey of 800 people, it was clear that one of the first things they would do was this. delete existing personal information from the internet as well as financial information (45%). Therefore, there is little trust in the data management currently carried out by companies operating on the Internet.
In addition, other options that greatly worry the respondents are the presence of photos and videos (26%) that they appear and that for some reason cannot be very positive, and of course, the fact that they can happen. they hid in a place where they slept profiles on some internet-specific services, such as dating sites or the social networks themselves (28%).
So much so that it was published in the same report that 27% of Spaniards have no problem paying up to 1,000 euros to have their information deleted. The self that exists to be anonymous on the Internet. And this word is key, because more and more people are aware that this is not possible, because at the moment there are cloud services. It is therefore reasonable to be worried about their data being disclosed on social networks or something related to their sex life (with 34% and 26% respectively). In conclusion, thinking that the Internet is not a panacea is something that is obvious to more people than you might think, as stated by NordVPN.
Source: Cincodias Elpais