Specialists from Skoltech, together with scientists from Moscow State University, are conducting experiments to create a high-quality carbon material from the well-known cow parsnip, which is acceptable for the production of anodes used in sodium-ion batteries.

Innovative solar panels can be replaced by Li-Ion batteries in a wide variety of scales, including solar panels and wind turbines, where compact size plays a role.

During the experiments, three conservative views on p p p p p s s were tested. First of all, the biomass from hogweed was heated to 1300°C in an anoxic environment.

Scientists will make anodes for batteries from hogweed

Then, after washing with bio-oil by cats in the extraction workshops, finally, what was left of the cow parsnip was placed in a closed reactor with water and welded, resulting in small-sized carbon-containing elements.

The Coulomb efficiency of production from organic cow parsnip shows that this corresponds to the statistics of the best class natural resources produced from raw materials.

Scientists will make anodes for batteries from hogweed

According to another indicator, namely the specific capacity, the promising domestic material loses a little to the industry leaders – 260 mAh/g and 300 mAh/g, respectively, which, in general, is quite effective.

As for the pine hogweed, it is an actively spreading weed, sucking. In the zones of centralized Russia, it appeared during a sozeoz experiment on feeding livestock, the very idea to +

But the cow parsnip itself even took root, according to various forecasts, but by the 50s + Russia.

Source: Tech Cult

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