Scientists from the University of Singapore and Tsinghua University in China have developed a new type of interface for those who demand the ability to use their hands. Professor Yu Xiaogang’s team designed a cap with built-in sensors, which has been tested with a prototype detection accuracy of 98% when detecting rare gestures.

In a mouthguard with sensors, the sensors are felt before the sensations. Voice control is drowned out by government noises. Eye movement control requires a camera in front of the face. Mosic Acid Tracking And the “smart mouth guard” has only one drawback so far – it needs to be removed during meals.

smart kappa

Inside the structure there are several flexible plates in different areas that are interconnected. When recording by zami o and shining with rrrrrrrrr s ss ss ss rrrrrrrrrrrrr o Their set is large enough to sashina’s stem b b b b b b h h n n n

In the tested version, such a device allows you to control household appliances, install instant messengers and make phone calls, drive a wheelchair, and play simple video games. coVOLOLS Prototype Cost elderly.

Source: Tech Cult

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