Russian chemists from St. Petersburg State University are completing work on the synthesis of an organic substance that can be used as a basis for the production of highly efficient hydrocarbons. Their special feature is the ability to convert almost all the energy consumed into light.

This very promising development was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project card No. 21-73-10083) and published in the Transaction world.

We remind you that OLED matrices, consisting of light emitting diodes, are widely used in the production of mobile electronics and highlight their flexibility, a small share also due to power consumption. However, the absorptivity makes it possible to distinguish LEDs that absorb no more than 25% light absorption, while the remainder absorbs heat absorption.

Specialists from St Petersburg University, working in accordance with the recommendations, were able to implement the synthesis of organometallic phosphors based on acyclic diaminocarbenes, which made it possible to increase the efficiency of OLED to almost a record 100%.

At the same time, a rather promising synthesis method was used at St. Petersburg State University, the peculiarity of which is determined by the fact that the compound containing the metal was formed first, the organic fragment was already formed in it, due to the fact that the molecules were stable during the synthesis.

Also, the Russian development showed a significant decent power – the light emission did not change even with the consumed supplied voltage, and the test device itself during the tests practically did not emit heat. In addition, the experimental blocks are 1.5 times brighter than possible. analogy.

Source: Tech Cult

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