The advent of cell phones relaxed our memory, and it was no longer necessary to write numbers in a notebook, much less memorize them. If you ever forget your own number, don’t be ashamed: here we explain it how to find your mobile phone number on your own device.

Also learn how to check your phone’s IMEI number, how to unlock your mobile phone so you can use it with another company, and how to boost your phone’s signal.

Find your phone number on iOS

Finding your phone number in iOS is easy and simple because most users of this operating system use the same version. There are two ways to find a phone number: through the Contacts application or in the device settings.

  • Contacts: open app TelephonePress Contacts and your number will be the first in the list.
  • Parameter: go to Settings>Phone and my number will be the first field in the list. Of course, you can change or edit this information if you wish by clicking on the number.

Find your phone number on your Android device

The steps for finding a phone number on an Android device are slightly different from those on an iPhone; This is because Android users can run different versions of the operating system, and there are also differences in how it is implemented across devices of all brands. As such, there will likely be different interfaces depending on the device you are using and the version of the operating system you are running.

  • go to settings and search My phone number in the search bar.
  • The result will give you the path to follow: System > About phone > Status.
  • Also, launch the Contacts app and you will see your contact information at the top.

If you’re using Android or something close to it, such as Google Pixel, Nexus, or Lenovo Moto G, X, or Z phones, go to the Contacts app. You will see an option called My Information or I; there you will find your phone number in that contact’s info at the top of the list.

On all Android phones, regardless of manufacturer, you can find your phone number if you go to Settings > About phone or About Device > Status > My Phone Number. Some Android devices will have the SIM or SIM card status listed in Status. If this is the case with your mobile phone, then you will find your phone number there. If you don’t want to go through all these different menus, you can go to the search bar and type My phone number to retrieve relevant information.

It’s not hard to find your phone number if you know how to find it, so you can help others find their numbers in just a few steps.

Do you receive calls from your number?

One day, you may be surprised to see an incoming call that appears to come from the same phone number as yours. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has warned that some robocallers and scammers have taken their tricks to the next level by using your own number to see if you answer. This method also helps them avoid blocking the number because who is blocking their own number? If you see an incoming call with your number, no, you are not calling from an alternate timeline; it is a trap. Not to answer.

Source: Digital Trends

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