If you ask any parent, most of them will tell you that their children’s teething has been one of the most traumatic experiences they’ve experienced. Obviously, not only because it is annoying and painful for children, but also because it seems endless. However, Samsung there seems to be a “magic solution” that so many adults prayed for during those long nights of crying and worn teethers: add false teeth to your kids; at least in the photos.

Sarcasm aside, we are talking about a real situation. edge reports the case of a reader who stumbled upon this curious—and rather macabre—find when using extended remastering from the Samsung Gallery app in photos of her seven-month-old daughter taken with the Galaxy S23 Ultra.

The result is here and you can see it for yourself in the tweet I share below. By “remastering” the image, where the girl’s face is almost in the foreground, the technology seeks to improve it, making quite noticeable changes. Although none of them was as obvious and striking as place the row of teeth where the tongue appears in the original photo.

Of course, other modifications that Samsung’s remastering feature applies in this particular case are also striking, to say the least. If you stop at the eyes of the girl, you will see that they have changed their format a bit and even look more blurred than in the first version.

But the fact that the addition of false teeth overshadows everyone’s attention is out of the question. And worst of all, in the article edge You can watch the video of the process in another photo of the same baby, getting similar results. Although in the second case, the exchange of tongue for teeth is even worse.

Why is Samsung adding fake teeth to baby photos?

Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra |  milk teeth pictures

For now, no official explanation why the improved remastering of the Samsung Gallery app does what you see in this particular case. Keep in mind that this tool has made its way to the devices of the South Korean brand with an update to One user interface 5, Android setting level. In particular, with version 5.1.

“Remastering automatically removes shadows and reflections so your images look great. You can also remaster GIFs for better resolution and clarity,” says Samsung’s website alone for this feature.

Is it bad that imaging tools add false teeth to baby photos? Depends on who you ask, of course. As a parent, I can say that I don’t know if I would rate this as “serious”. but yes, as “completely unnecessary”. Having said that, I tend to think that there are two possible explanations for what is happening:

  • This erroras the simplest theory;
  • The technology is not sufficiently developed or trained to determine whether it is a child or an adult.

Perhaps we have the same algorithm available as in other cases can help us “whiten” or improve our smile, is just wrong. I think Samsung should be given cause for doubt, at least until there is a formal explanation.

Another photo controversy for South Koreans

The case that condemns edge This takes on special significance because it comes right after the Samsung fiasco with “fake” pictures of the Moon. As a point in favor of the Korean brand, we can say that the addition of artificial teeth did not happen automatically. That is, the user received the specified result after manually implementing enhanced remastering. Thus, a modification can be easily undone if it is not liked or deemed inappropriate.

On the aforementioned media, they indicated that they could not reproduce the results of their tests carried out with the standard Galaxy S22. So at this point it’s impossible to know if this is a feature designed for the Galaxy S23 Ultra or a remaster bug that Samsung plans to fix in a future update.

The truth is that this case brings into focus a growing controversy in the world of mobile photography. We mean to the weight gain of image optimization softwarethe breadth of his implementation and questions about how smart he really is.

Source: Hiper Textual

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I'm Ben Stock, a highly experienced and passionate journalist with a career in the news industry spanning more than 10 years. I specialize in writing content for websites, including researching and interviewing sources to produce engaging articles. My current role is as an author at Gadget Onus, where I mainly cover the mobile section.


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