world data publishing web page data graphics a wide variety of items. So far, they have not discussed the issue of penis size. However, they say they have received so many requests that they have no choice but to satisfy them with an interactive map that shows data from almost every country in the world.

For each country, average male height, average penis size, and percentage of the latter relative to height are shown. In addition, the countries are ordered from largest to smallest by penis size, so in the first place we find Ecuadoran average of 17.61 cm, and closing the list with Cambodiafrom 10.04 cm. Despite the rhyme

We see that Spain is in position 53, with an average penis size of 13.85 cm, accounting for 7.88% of the total. Relatively Mexicosignificantly higher in position 29, from 14.92 cm, which corresponds to 8.78% of his height. If desired, everyone can compare the size of their penis with these figures. However, we must remember that no matter how they insist, the size of the penis does not matter. In fact, sometimes it can even be counterproductive.

Beware of self-reported data

According to a 2020 study, traditional penis size ratings wrongbecause they usually come from self-reported data. And in these cases, as a rule, there is some upward shift. Men tend to say they have a bigger penis, perhaps out of fear of what people will think of them. This led to the belief that the average penis size was over 15 cm. However, today, when researchers take measurements, it is believed that about 13 cm.

It’s important to be clear about this because what happens in the end is that many people feel bad about comparing themselves and resort to penis enlargement surgerydespite the risks associated with them. Therefore, it is important to clarify these biases; but above all, make it clear that no matter how much they say, penis size doesn’t matter.

Why do we care so much about penis size?

For many animals, penis size is a way of attracting a female who believes that a bigger penis can mean a bigger one. reproductive success. People still carry some remnants of the behavior of our ancestors. However, the question of sexuality is already influenced by many factors, in addition to simple search for offspring. Also, penis size has absolutely nothing to do with having more children.

So why do we care so much? Three factors come into play here. On the one hand, some people are heavily influenced for not. Apparently, all porn actors have huge cocks, which makes many men compare themselves to them. However, as sexologist Laura Moran well recalls in her book Why (not) I want, porn is still fiction and, in fact, tricks are used to make the actors penis look bigger. For example, actresses tend to be petite, so when you put your hand next to your penis, it looks like it’s bigger than it actually is in perspective.

On the other hand, traditionally cliche that the larger the penis, the more masculine it is. This, logically, doesn’t make sense. Besides, which is more courageous? How is it measured? What is this for? There are no answers to these questions, but many people are still adamant that penis size is the answer to the latter. This was explained in 2015 by a urologist Abraham Morgenthaler in an interview for wbur: “The whole problem comes when men really see their penis size as a substitute for their degree of masculinity“.

Finally, there are those who believe that the size of the penis is important, because the larger it is, More fun provide. However, from a biological point of view, this does not make sense.

A big penis doesn’t necessarily make sex with another person more enjoyable.

There is no vaginal orgasm

It is often said that a bigger penis is better at generating more vaginal orgasms. On the other hand, men with small penises have no choice but to limit themselves to provocation. clitoral orgasms. All this is wrong, because we must proceed from the fact that there are no vaginal or clitoral orgasms, but only orgasms. In fact, the only organ that produces an orgasm is brainbecause that’s where the feeling of pleasure comes from. Moreover, there are people who are able to experience an orgasm only from sexual fantasies, without touching themselves at all.

However, it is clear that stimulation during sex makes it much easier to achieve orgasm. It used to be said that there are people who Nerve endings into the vagina independently of the clitoris, so that it is easier for them to achieve a vaginal orgasm. Going back even further, it has even been said that this happens when women grow up. Own Freudsaid that the clitoral orgasm develops during puberty, while mature women are better at vaginal.

We already know that one should not take what Freud said too seriously, so it is not surprising to learn that he was wrong about this. The vast majority of nerve endings around the clitoris. The rest of the vagina and cervix are not so innervated, but their nerves are practically extensions of those of the clitoris. Hence, by stimulating this, you will achieve orgasm without an Ecuadorian penis. In fact, in some cases, a relationship with an oversized penis can even be painfulthis is why many people with vaginas prefer smaller penises.

In short, penis size doesn’t matter. It is important to know how to use it and, above all, to communicate. Because there is nothing sexier than a person who communicates about what he likes and is interested in what gives pleasure to another person. At the same time, sexual pleasure is more than guaranteed, regardless of penis size.

Source: Hiper Textual

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