Menstruating people usually know very well how to clean blood stains clothes But let’s not think badly. Mostly they know this because almost all of them have woken up with pajamas, sheets or underwear dyed red due to excess bulk or a little problem with foresight. Among the most common methods is rubbing peroxide before the final wash with soap.

At the same time, the area covered with blood is filled soapthe tissue heats up and gradually turns red turns brown until it disappears. Sometimes it does not disappear completely, but a significant part goes away, making it easier subsequent washing with soap or in a washing machine.

But why is this happening? What is hydrogen peroxide used for? cancel blood so easy? This is what we are going to see in this article, although before starting it should be noted that the chip itself is not in hydrogen peroxidebut in their own blood.

Catalase, blood and hydrogen peroxide

The secret of this curious reaction between blood stains and hydrogen peroxide lies in catalase enzymewhich is in the blood. Enzymes are proteins that catalyze reactions. That is, they speed them up.

In this case, catalase catalyzes a reaction in which hydrogen peroxide, known chemically as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)decomposes to form oxygen and water.

The enzyme catalase helps break down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen.

It is one exothermic reaction. That is, a lot of energy is released in the form of heat in the process. That is why when washing blood stains, we notice how the fabric heats up. As for the foam that remains attached to the entire stain, this is exactly bubbling caused by oxygen which has just been generated.

Finally, it should be noted that the reaction also involves heme group of hemoglobinwhat gives him Red color to blood Therefore, as the reaction occurs, it becomes more brown and less intense. Also, foam can help. drag and unfold part of the spot.

But usually it doesn’t go away completely. For this reason, after this first collaboration with hydrogen peroxide, the time has come add soap and put the bloody clothes in the washing machine. Or hand wash, of course.


Why do we have this very useful enzyme in our blood?

We have already seen that catalase accelerates the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. But why do we need something like this in our blood?

Well, the truth is that hydrogen peroxide can be formed as a product of the cellular metabolism of many living things. The problem is that it is a very poisonous substance, so we need it to decompose as soon as possible. That’s where it comes into play blood catalase.

Hydrogen peroxide can be produced as a product of cellular metabolism in many living things, but it is highly toxic.

But that’s not all. We have already seen that a large amount of energy is generated in the process. oxygen and it is very useful: this one attacks anaerobic pathogens which, as their name suggests, are unable to live in the presence of this gas. Two birds with one stone are killed with one shot.

In fact, there is a genetic disease called acatalasemia, in which patients do not have this enzyme, and it is characterized by the presence of infections, ulcerations, and gangrene, usually in the mouth. This is due to an excess of pathogenic anaerobic microorganisms, which, without catalase to restrain them, multiply more than necessary.

Also, because of this role of oxygen, hydrogen peroxide is sometimes used to disinfect wounds. The problem is that what is sold in pharmacies is usually in 3% concentration, so there is much more water than hydrogen peroxide. Of course, just because it’s small doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. You just have to see the foam party it makes once we use it to clean blood stains. Just for this, it is always worth having a pan on hand.

Source: Hiper Textual

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