In a paper published in the journal Physics Reviews, researchers Discusses the origin of gravitational waves. Could these be echoes of the origin of the universe? Gravitational waves were first “heard” in 2023. Throughout this year, hypotheses have been put forward as to the source of this sound. What is their origin, where do they come from, what is it?

Briefly, Gravitational waves are ripples in spacetime originating from an object or disturbance in the cosmos, propagating from the event to its outer edge.. In a simple experiment, it’s as if you threw a stone into a basin full of water or struck a staff. This action will produce waves that propagate from the center of the churning towards the edge of the basin.

The trick is that the fluctuations we capture may originate from several sources!

The first option for researchers is that these waves are echoes of the collision of supermassive black holes. If this is the right option, we can track their mass and position in space. But there are three more possibilities Two of these date back to the creation of the Milky Way, with events taking place shortly after the Big Bang..

voice of birth

Other options considered because the origin of fluctuations in space-time are cosmic strings, transition phases, and domain walls. Researchers say it is difficult to distinguish the origin of the waves because all events can produce very similar effects.

But achieving this distinction could help other areas of astronomy, such as dark matter, have more concrete explanations. What it is and how it was formed is still not fully known. Dark energy and matter make up 95% of the universe, but there is still no concrete explanation of how it works, how it forms and how it spreads.

To this end, researchers plan to launch laser-based instruments in the coming years to observe the universe and obtain more data about these abundant components in the universe.

A discovery can continue or completely change the direction of research.

Projects of the next decade include LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory, free translation), LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna) and AEDGE (Atomic Experiment for the Discovery of Dark Matter and Gravity).

Slowly, pieces of the puzzle of the universe emerge and the artwork of the world becomes clearer. As technology advances in the development of new equipment for data collection and analysis, we can expect unique new developments in the coming years.

Would you like to learn more about curiosities about the universe? Trust! From the ‘wrinkle’ of the universe to cosmology: discoveries for new physics. Stay tuned to TecMundo for more science content.

Source: Tec Mundo

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I'm Blaine Morgan, an experienced journalist and writer with over 8 years of experience in the tech industry. My expertise lies in writing about technology news and trends, covering everything from cutting-edge gadgets to emerging software developments. I've written for several leading publications including Gadget Onus where I am an author.


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