A recently archived work preprints arXiv represents an important step in this direction: Use of temporal networks (timetronics) as printed circuit boards for the realization of a wide variety of quantum devices.
In practice, the new approach, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, “allows the construction of a quantum computer that enables quantum gate operations for all possible pairs of qubits,” according to the paper.
The authors adopted time crystals to “make a difference” while creating more stable and efficient devices. Instead of using traditional space crystals, which are materials in which atoms or molecules are organized into three-dimensional repeating patterns in space.
What are time crystals?
Considered by physicists as an exotic state of matter, these structures, whose atoms oscillate cyclically and predictably like a clock, were observed experimentally at Harvard University in the USA in 2016.
It was theorized by Nobel Prize-winning physicist Frank Wilczek in 2012. These materials can theoretically repeat themselves indefinitely without an energy source.as in a perpetual motion machine.
This placed them in a kind of “forbidden zone”, since such a device was practically impossible according to the laws of thermodynamics.
How are time crystals implemented in a quantum computer?
To demonstrate time crystal behavior in action, Harvard physicists tested a method proposed by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley. They put quantum entangled particles into periodic motion with a laser and observed a break in the pattern of motion.
This fracture, which shows the energy distribution of the material leaving the equilibrium, shows a characteristic behavior of the time crystal as energy continues to be released without affecting the thermal equilibrium; that is, it is a sign of the existence of this exotic phase of matter.
In new work presented on ArXiv, Krzysztof Giergiel and Krzysztof Sacha of the Jagiellonian University in Poland and Peter Hannaford of Swinburne University of Technology in Australia investigate in practice: Implementing crystal structures in a new type of “time” circuit to enable construction of a quantum computer.
The importance of discovery for quantum technology
The use of new chronotechnology aims to maintain coherence in the cloud of possibilities present in a particle as a quantum computer tries to quickly solve its own types of algorithms. This goes far beyond the binary particle states used by current computers, which have “on-off” switches in their logic gates.
In their paper, Giergiel and two colleagues propose to use this differentiated periodicity of the time crystal. to create a “tempotronic” circuit. The idea is that this periodicity can be used to drive the entanglement of a literal “sea” of qubits pulsating with data.
Even while trying inside Despite the proposal still being entirely theoretical, the team discovered that the physics of potassium ion groupsThey can develop algorithms that allow qubits to execute their choreography in synchrony when cooled to near-absolute temperatures and guided by a laser pulse.
Therefore, it is now only a matter of time to reproduce this “waltz” on a large scale in a practical quantum computer.
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Source: Tec Mundo

I’m Blaine Morgan, an experienced journalist and writer with over 8 years of experience in the tech industry. My expertise lies in writing about technology news and trends, covering everything from cutting-edge gadgets to emerging software developments. I’ve written for several leading publications including Gadget Onus where I am an author.