Despite the scientific developments in recent years, science continues to discover what consciousness is. Is it ultimately a part of our body or does it emerge from the universe itself? We are currently trying to solve these problems, but Some scientists believe that consciousness exists in everything around us, including animals, plants, and even celestial bodies like the Sun.

The leading hypothesis The idea that consciousness is everywhere in the universe is called panpsychism, and it’s not a particularly new idea.The term derives from the Greek words pan (all or entire) and psyche (soul or mind). The claim that everything in the universe has consciousness was already considered by many ancient philosophers, such as Plato, William James, Spinoza, and others.

In his research published in the Journal of Consciousness Studies, British biologist and parapsychologist Rupert Sheldrake discusses the possibility that the Sun has an active consciousness as much as humans. He claims that it is not just the Sun. All other stars, solar systems, and galaxies may exhibit some form of consciousness and perception of what is happening around them.

“Consciousness is not necessarily limited to brains. The connection between minds and physical systems appears to be through rhythmic electromagnetic fields, which are of course present in our brains. These are also present in and around the sun and may be the interface between the solar mind and the solar body,” Sheldrake said in a message to his website Popular Mechanics.

Can the sun think?

As Sheldrake explains, consciousness as we know it may be an important part of a variety of highly complex, self-organizing systems. That is, He means that the concept of consciousness does not arise through physical in humans, but through a cosmic mechanism that allows consciousness to be in everything, including the Sun.

It is important to emphasize The theory of panpsychism is highly controversial and has no scientific evidence. – which is why it is discussed more in philosophical circles. In any case, the subject still needs to be examined much more deeply to see if there is any real possibility in these ideas.

“The question of solar consciousness takes on new meaning in light of the recent revival of interest in the philosophy of panpsychism. Like traditional animists, panpsychists argue that mind, experience, forms of consciousness, or perception are aspects of nature at many levels of organization and are not limited to the brain,” Sheldrake explains in the article.

Did you like the content? So, stay up to date with more curiosities about astronomy on TecMundo. If you wish, take the opportunity to learn what the Earth will look like when the Sun dies. Until next time!

Source: Tec Mundo

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I'm Blaine Morgan, an experienced journalist and writer with over 8 years of experience in the tech industry. My expertise lies in writing about technology news and trends, covering everything from cutting-edge gadgets to emerging software developments. I've written for several leading publications including Gadget Onus where I am an author.


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