*This text has been written based on the information received from health institutions and organizations, hospitals and health professionals. If you or someone you know has any of the symptoms described here, our recommendation is to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Contrary to what many think, dry eye disease It is a very common health problem. However, due to a lack of knowledge, this condition is confused with infections, inflammations or allergies.

Our tears, far beyond expressing sadness, have the function of lubricating the eyes. Without them, we would feel irritated and susceptible to damage to the ocular surface. Learn more about this syndrome.

How do I know if I have dry eyes?

In everyday life, tears are responsible for lubricating the eyeballs. Changes in quality and quantity, the syndrome or dry eye disease.

Those who suffer from this problem may feel sharper pains such as burning eyes or stinging. The sensation may be constant or occur in certain situations, such as when you wake up, in front of the air conditioner, or after hours of working at the computer.

Symptoms may only affect one or both eyes. In addition to pain, patients may also have mucus, photosensitivity, redness, itching, difficulty wearing contact lenses or driving at night.

Symptoms can affect one or both eyes (Source: Shutterstock)

The presence of symptoms for a long time is a sufficient reason to consult an ophthalmologist. Based on simple tests, he or she can make a diagnosis and prescribe the most appropriate treatment.

Causes of the syndrome

There can be various reasons behind the problems. dry eyes. Our eyeball has an outer layer called the tear film, which consists of three parts: one for fatty oils, one for aqueous fluid, and the third for mucus.

The function of all this protection is to keep the ocular surface clean, lubricated and smooth for movement. Any change in this perfectly balanced system, therefore, dry eyes.

The most common causes of this condition include hormonal changes, autoimmune diseases, inflammation of certain glands, or allergic problems that can lead to keratoconjunctivitis sicca.

Allergy issues are among the most common causes (Source: Shutterstock)

This is the clinical term for a condition in which the body does not produce enough tear water. It is often related to age and also to the medical conditions mentioned above. Some medications can cause problems as side effects.

However, it is not only this symptom that leaves the patient. dry eyes. Another common problem is people who suffer from too much tear evaporation. In these cases, the glands responsible for the secretion of the protective oily film can become clogged, causing the fluid to escape.

These cases are usually typical of people with allergies, but they can also be caused by vitamin A deficiency, exposure to wind, smoke or dry air, and eyelid problems that reduce our ability to blink.

Treatments for dry eye

this dry eye syndrome It is a risk factor for problems such as eye infection and damage to the eye surface. Additionally, the condition causes a lot of discomfort and sometimes pain that can interfere with daily activities.

However, the treatment is simple. First, the patient should consult an ophthalmologist who can create a personalized program for the specific causes of the problem.

Therapy is usually done daily with lubricating eye drops and in some cases anti-inflammatory. When applied to the eyes, they help heal the tear film and can contribute to the healing of damaged areas.

The syndrome can be treated with eye drops (Source: Shutterstock

In some cases, the doctor may choose to block the punctum to help preserve the natural tear longer. This procedure can be temporary or permanent and the decision depends on the patient’s condition.

Other measures to help circumvent cases include adequate hydration, a controlled diet, avoidance of especially alcohol and caffeinated foods, and the use of eye protection accessories such as sunglasses or adapted lenses.

Avoiding eye exposure to environments with a lot of pollution and dry air can also help with the problem. The same goes for people who spend a lot of time in front of a computer screen: A little rest for your eyes can help.

These habits can also help prevent the problem from occurring. Smokers are also advised to quit this habit and avoid exposure to smoke.

caused by pain dry eyes It’s annoying for a lot of people. But with a visit to an ophthalmologist, the problem can be resolved and we can go back to seeing the world with new eyes – with much better watery eyes.

Source: Tec Mundo

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I am Bret Jackson, a professional journalist and author for Gadget Onus, where I specialize in writing about the gaming industry. With over 6 years of experience in my field, I have built up an extensive portfolio that ranges from reviews to interviews with top figures within the industry. My work has been featured on various news sites, providing readers with insightful analysis regarding the current state of gaming culture.


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