The new update of Telegram, one of the largest and most anticipated users of the platform, will bring a lot of interesting news. What brings us up a bit now, however, concerns the Infinite Reactions, a system that allows you to use any emoji in response to a message.

Over there function being talked about will be available to all users and you can take advantage of many more emojis to respond to people’s messages. In fact, as you can see from the picture, there will be more choices between the emojis, increasing the ability to respond to others’ posts.

Unfortunately, only the premium users they will be able to use three of them for a message, making the feature even more in-depth. Always premium users can also put the Emoji in the Status, next to their name, to indicate their mood.

We remember that Telegram 9.0 brings new smoother animations and the app icon on Android 13 will adapt to the style chosen on your phone. Finally, vanity shortlinks are announced with their username, which users can use to be contacted on the platform. Telegram 9.0 is available right away on the Google Play Store and you can download or update it.

Source: Lega Nerd

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