More countries join the solution ban flavored vapes within it. Now it’s China’s turn; what do you like New Zealand or even the European Union itself, which drafted a proposal to this effect last June, is basing its decision on the health of the little ones.

And the thing is, sometimes e-Sigs They are mistakenly presented as a safe alternative to conventional ones. This has led consumers to increasingly younger, which can be left alone in vaping or used as a springboard for tobacco. In addition, the presence of flavored vapers makes them even more attractive to this type of public.

So while China will continue to sell vapers from tobacco, in its new law prohibits the sale of any alternative flavors. It is logical that this caused strong indignation among the companies of the sector, since they make up the largest part of their sales. However, the government persevered despite the complaints, and flavored vapers have disappeared from the market since then. last October 1st.

Harm of flavored vapers

Most vapers contain nicotine, and they entail the same losses as this one. However, even those who do not have it can be dangerous for other reasons.

To begin with, most formulas contain propylene glycol, a compound that causes chronic inflammation of the bronchial mucosa in the short term. As for their long-term consequences, they are unknown, so even worse consequences cannot be ruled out. Moreover, it also causes asthma attacks in childrentherefore, they are a truly receptive public, whether they are the ones who vape or if they do so passively.

On the other hand, carbonyls have been found in the vapors of flavored vapers such as formaldehyde or acetaldehyde, both are considered highly carcinogenic. And there are also some heavy metals. Finally, confident in its supposed safety, consumers can smoke much longer.

This does not mean that regular cigarettes are better, far from it. It just indicates that this supposed safer option also entails serious damage.

And, as the countries that have already banned these devices suggested, it is the youngest who suffer the most. The brain continues to mature and develop until the age of 20, so nicotine can damage this organ even more than adults. As well as the other substances mentioned above. But, besides, being introduced into this world so young, there is a suspicion that can get into tobacco vapers and from there to regular cigarettes.

It’s true that there rather controversial for now, as some research suggests this shift from flavored vapers to tobacco is not really happening. However, given that they don’t suggest any benefit, and other studies do find the link, many governments are playing it safe.


China’s decision on e-cigarettes

In fact, China has been trying for several years control the electronic cigarette business. It all started three years ago when the online sale of any variety of these products was banned.

Later May of the same 2022the sale of flavored and tobacco vapers began to be brought to the same rules as regular cigarettes. Shares of Chinese e-cigarette companies began to plummet, causing a stir. But that hasn’t stopped the Chinese government from taking it one step further.

Out of concern for the health of the little ones, he finally decided to ban flavored vapers. Teenagers find smoking melon-flavored vapors much more attractive than those that just the taste of tobaccoor. Therefore, although they are the most innocent on the outside, they are actually the most dangerous. We will see which other countries will continue to join the initiative, which is becoming more and more consolidated around the world.

Source: Hiper Textual

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