*This text was written by a TecMundo columnist; finally learn more.

If not, you probably know someone who uses homeopathic remedies or consults a homeopath often. However, homeopathy and its treatments are still controversial from a scientific point of view, to say the least. The biggest problem with this type of treatment is that it’s impossible to base it on anything but scientific data. placebo effect.

The “placebo effect” occurs when a patient notices an improvement in a disease or symptom without the administration of any chemical medication. For example, a person unknowingly takes a “fake pill” for a headache and actually feels their pain subside. This phenomenon is quite complex and is based on the interaction of neurotransmitters such as dopamine (known to be associated with pleasure and happiness) with specific areas of our brain. Such an effect may still be associated with genetic predisposition, meaning some people may be genetically more susceptible to placebo than others.

Placebos, eg chemotherapy, radiotherapy, etc. Contrary to treatments, it is known that a cancer patient cannot put his tumor into remission. Such drugs rarely cure a disease. But they can help relieve symptoms such as nausea and pain and make the patient feel better temporarily.

What about homeopathy? According to homeopaths, there are two basic principles in this type of treatment: the principle of similarity and the principle of infinitesimals. The principle of similarity is based on the idea that “like heals like”. That is, if someone has a fever, the cure is found in an antipyretic substance. Or, if the person has allergies or a cough, a homeopath may recommend a medicine containing arsenic trioxide, an extremely poisonous substance that can kill! However, the patient does not experience adverse symptoms due to the second principle.

The principle of the infinitesimal begins with the idea that the “healing agents” found in their analogues must be extremely diluted, so to speak, to remove their toxic effects. Many homeopathic remedies are diluted in water 1030 times! Assuming that one mole of a given molecule is of the order of 1023 In the case of molecules and arsenic trioxide, its solubility in water is 0.1 mol per liter of water, at the end of all dilutions a total of 0 molecules of arsenic trioxide will remain in the final drug. In other words, the patient literally drank water (which did no harm to anyone).

Another big problem with homeopathic treatment is that it has not been developed since it was founded three hundred years ago, in the 19th century. Continuous improvement and development is part of the scientific process.

Having said all this, it should be noted that perhaps it is not necessary to eliminate homeopathy as a cure. One discussion (for another day) would be to eliminate the spending of public money on this type of treatment. However, placebos do have value in treating mild symptoms and in faster recovery from diseases that would already naturally heal for many patients. However, it is always extremely important to make sure that this type of treatment is not the only treatment sought. Mainly in severe cases, we always have a duty and every reason to seek scientifically proven drugs.

Rodolfo Lima Barros SouzaProfessor of Physics and columnist Technology World. He holds a master’s degree in Physics and Science and Mathematics Teaching in Public Perception of Science from Unicamp. Available on social networks as @rodolfo.sou.

Source: Tec Mundo

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